"not enough memory" Xpress 512 Plus

upload scenes in the standalone memory of the interface
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Joined: 02 July 2019, 15:59

"not enough memory" Xpress 512 Plus

Post by GregBES »

I am encountering an error when trying to upload timelines from ShowXpress to an Xpress 512 Plus interface. When the timelines are longer than 2 min I receive the "not enough memory" error.

On speaking to Chauvet they told me there was a known bug in version 9 but that version 8 should not cause an issue. Unfortunately I am encountering the same issue in version 8.

I am only trying to upload some chases for around 170 channels worth of fixtures, it doesn't seem like I should be running into a full memory?

Any advice would be much appreciated!
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Re: "not enough memory" Xpress 512 Plus

Post by support »

It is not a bug.
It looks like the final generated scene from your timeline is too big for the internal memory of the interface.

PS : 2mn is quite big for a standalone scene
The Lighting Controller
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 15:59

Re: "not enough memory" Xpress 512 Plus

Post by Niffo »

Memory used is depending of the channels number and steps number in your scenes
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