Master Dimmer Button for LEDs

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Pink LD
Posts: 688
Joined: 04 January 2010, 19:03

Master Dimmer Button for LEDs

Post by Pink LD »

I tried a couple of tweaks and was satisfied with the results. This solutions I am proposing here is for advanced programmers with a good understanding of how button priorities work, and how to manipulate them to your advantage.
-LED Master Dimmer.
The earliest LEDs I used I set in simple mode and avoided the dimmer all together. Now I commonly use LEDs typically with all the channels possible. However I am still disinclined to use the master fader very often, preferring to programme the RGBAW faders individually. As such I prefer my Dimmer channel to be fully up at all times. So I have programmed a Master Dimmer button that is triggered by calendar, and I set the trigger to be the clock at 24/7. Now the Master Dimmer button is on all the time.
If you update Macros with the button on, that button will be incorporated into the Macros. To solve this I don't trigger the Dimmer Master Button until my last minute pre show prep. And if I make any Macro saves mid-show? I can delete my Master Dimmer button before my post show save.
Personally? I actually have 3 Master Dimmer Buttons loaded. So during a show if I compromise a 24/7 triggered Master Dimmer Button? I just delete it, and trigger the next Master Dimmer Button as 24/7.
If you ha e any questions, don't hesitate to ask me.
Posts: 71
Joined: 15 May 2012, 17:26

Re: Master Dimmer Button for LEDs

Post by eedetail »

Nice workaround Pink, one I used successfully this past weekend.
Yeah, kinda a pain if you are changing macros on the fly...
Pink LD
Posts: 688
Joined: 04 January 2010, 19:03

Re: Master Dimmer Button for LEDs

Post by Pink LD »

Yes it is a pain. That is why I have redundant buttons loaded. Then if I change Macros on the fly I just delete the triggered button and re-trigger one of the redundant buttons.
But I don't really busk this show. This show is 50 to 80 shows a year with generally the same set list, so I can have most of the entire show pre-programmed. I am just hitting a few Macros a song.

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