Search found 44 matches

by ineedabeatdj
18 January 2024, 19:24
Forum: General software
Topic: Moving fixture address in showxpress?
Replies: 1
Views: 1271

Moving fixture address in showxpress?

I've never done this. If I move a fixture address on the editor fixture tab to a different address, does that shrew up all of my programming, or will all of my current programming move to the new fixture number, and I just have to change the lights dmx address to the new number? I want to remove a f...
by ineedabeatdj
26 September 2023, 18:28
Forum: 3DView
Topic: Show UV Color in 3D View?
Replies: 1
Views: 2678

Show UV Color in 3D View?

Is there any way to make a fixture show purple as UV color in 3D View? The fixture is built with UV as the color for UV. It would be nice if purple showed up while UV is on in 3D view.

by ineedabeatdj
01 October 2022, 03:40
Forum: Virtual DJ
Topic: Not working wth two different computers
Replies: 4
Views: 6142

Re: Not working wth two different computers

Virtual DJ and Showxpress To make VDJ work on the same laptop (new way) In Showxpress File - Preferences - Network Virtual DJ - Enable ✅ - Port 7350 In VDJ open options - type in os2l - then check ✅ Yes Play a track in virtual DJand see if the bars are moving in the Beat window of Showxpress. VDJ sh...
by ineedabeatdj
30 September 2022, 16:26
Forum: Virtual DJ
Topic: os2l command for on/off and flash buttons in Live
Replies: 2
Views: 5377

os2l command for on/off and flash buttons in Live

The os2l command button is working great in Virtual DJ & ShowXpress. For example I'm sending the command os2l_button "Blue #7" and the button turns on in showxpress. How do I send a command to turn that same button off? And if I want to control a flash button in ShowXpress, how do I do...
by ineedabeatdj
27 March 2020, 15:06
Forum: Virtual DJ
Topic: BPM Beat randomly stops with Virtual DJ on 2nd Laptop
Replies: 2
Views: 8631

Re: BPM Beat randomly stops with Virtual DJ on 2nd Laptop

Are you using 2 decks in VDJ? I had a problem where changing between songs the beats would stop showing up in Showxpress, using 2 decks. I used Wireshark to verify that VDJ wasn't sending the beat signal and it wasn't Showxpress not receiving a signal. Switching to a single deck worked to fix the p...
by ineedabeatdj
17 March 2020, 02:17
Forum: Virtual DJ
Topic: BPM Beat randomly stops with Virtual DJ on 2nd Laptop
Replies: 2
Views: 8631

BPM Beat randomly stops with Virtual DJ on 2nd Laptop

For my school dances, I run Virtual DJ on 1 laptop, and ShowXpress on a 2nd Laptop. I hook both laptops up with a cat 5 cable so the BPM Beat feature works between ShowXpress & VDJ. Everything works great until randomly the Beat stops syncing with VDJ. After a while, it will randomly start synci...
by ineedabeatdj
13 February 2019, 19:28
Forum: Virtual DJ
Topic: BPM Beat with Virtual DJ & ShowXpress on 2 Laptops?
Replies: 2
Views: 8552

BPM Beat with Virtual DJ & ShowXpress on 2 Laptops?

I have the BPM/Beat feature working with Virtual DJ on my main DJ laptop, so the lights chases stay in sync with the song I am playing. How do I get the beat to sync up between Virtual DJ and ShowXpress if I use 2 different laptops? One laptop running Virtual DJ, and the other running ShowXpress? Th...
by ineedabeatdj
11 December 2018, 15:26
Forum: Live - Buttons
Topic: Request - Speed Properties [done]
Replies: 11
Views: 19334

Re: Request - Speed Properties


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