Moving fixture address in showxpress?

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Joined: 06 February 2015, 13:15

Moving fixture address in showxpress?

Post by ineedabeatdj »

I've never done this. If I move a fixture address on the editor fixture tab to a different address, does that shrew up all of my programming, or will all of my current programming move to the new fixture number, and I just have to change the lights dmx address to the new number?

I want to remove a few old fixtures I no longer use to make room for some new ones.

Thank you,
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Moving fixture address in showxpress?

Post by support »

will all of my current programming move to the new fixture number
I just have to change the lights dmx address to the new number.

Please make a backup of your lightshow before doing this.
The Lighting Controller
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