Fast Step scene

create scenes with steps
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Joined: 20 October 2022, 12:47

Fast Step scene

Post by DM2112 »

Totally new to ShowXpress. I have been using a different brand.
Currently running 4 pars and 4 movers.

I am triggering the scenes via a Behringer FC 1010. Playing in the band and running lights and sound from the stage.
What I want to do is create a scene where i can "tap" a pedal on the controller and turn on/off a scene quckly.
ie. audience participation. get the audience clapping along and a white scene is triggered to go with the clapping. I hope that makes sense.

Right now I have an all on white scene followed by a black out. Both scenes set at 00.00.05
However it's getting triggered to slow.

Any help would be most appreciated. I really would like to get the old "C'mon everyone raise your hands! 1-2-3-4"
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Fast Step scene

Post by support »

Several delays are added:
- delay to tap the pedal
- midi message delay from the pedal to our software
- scene button "on" delay in our software
- USB message to DMX message delay
- DMX message to DMX fixture delay
If consider 50ms each which is not that much, this makes 250ms which may be too much at the end.

For faster midi to DMX trigering, we suggest you to patch the midi command straight to the DMX channel (Editor > Fixtures > toolbar "Menu" > menu "Fixtures Midi inputs").
The Lighting Controller
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