Dimmer Control Range with FCB1010

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Joined: 15 January 2020, 23:12

Dimmer Control Range with FCB1010

Post by dbrunyak »

Hi All,

I successfully patched my FCB1010 to control ShowXpress and I'm pretty stoked on it, but I could use a hand with one little issue. I assigned one of my expression pedals to control the master dimmer fader and, although it does attenuate the dimmer, it stops dimming at -99%, not -100%. My Intimidator LED 350's won't blackout at that setting. I have to click and drag the fader on my laptop to get it down to -100% and for my lights to turn off. Similarly, it maxes out at +93%, but that's not really an issue for me.

Can anyone guide me through re-addressing the range of the expression pedal to be truly 0-100%? Not sure if its a software or a hardware thing. Thanks!


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Re: Dimmer Control Range with FCB1010

Post by support »

Sorry for the delay (due to a tradeshow in Germany).

We see sometimes this with our APC Mini when we move the fader too fast to its limit. When moving it slowly, no problem to reach 0% and 100%. This is a hardware issue with our APC Mini.
You may have the same problem (?)

You can open the window "Midi loger" to see the data received by our sofware.
The value to check is "Data2".
The Lighting Controller
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