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different fixtures not working well together [fixed]

Posted: 01 October 2021, 12:53
by jason5d

I'm trying to make some generator movement only programs with Chauvet Trio and Chauvet 357z irc movers but the pan/tilt channel doesn't show in channels menu.

Ive tried it with 30ch and 15ch on the Trios - no joy


Re: different fixtures not working well together

Posted: 02 October 2021, 17:35
by support
We checked the profiles and we found an error in the IntimidatorSpot375ZIRC(15ch) model.
The fourth channel is "pan fine" instead of "tilt fine".

Please use the attached updated file.

Re: different fixtures not working well together

Posted: 04 October 2021, 20:20
by jason5d
that works with the trio 30ch version, I've noticed the trio 30ch doc has some errors please check the 1st mode channel

here's the Manual: ... M_Rev5.pdf

Any chance you can add button in steps menu at the top that can change all fade/step buttons to step

Re: different fixtures not working well together

Posted: 05 October 2021, 07:50
by support
I've noticed the trio 30ch doc has some errors please check the 1st mode channel
Any chance you can add button in steps menu at the top that can change all fade/step buttons to step
To do that:

Re: different fixtures not working well together [fixed]

Posted: 05 October 2021, 12:00
by jason5d
I mean all the channels. eg when you click said button all the dmx channels across the step menu would change to step and when I click again they would change back to fade


Re: different fixtures not working well together [fixed]

Posted: 05 October 2021, 13:26
by support
For that, select all channels (ctrl or shift + mouse click) (red check mark) and press the transition button of any of them.