"Levels" 3DView Lighshow

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"Levels" 3DView Lighshow

Post by LightningFM »

Hello everybody!
Here is a new virtual lightshow, based on the Skrillex's remix of "Levels" by Avicii: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYgiSt_ZBDE

It is programmed in the same (fictional) setup from the "Blah Blah Blah" lightshow, essentially a cubic-shaped club with most of the fixture hung on horizontal trusses on the front wall. From the old post description:
The first universe is entirely dedicated to the control of 100 RGB spheres (500 channels), that I placed on the walls and ceiling of the stage. This is the first time for me using RGB spheres in such a massive way, and I'm happy with the nice "uplifting" effect they can display (used in the intro of the song).
The second universe is almost entirely dedicated (504 channels used) to manage all hanged "primary" beam fixtures on the main trusses.
The third universe is definitely the fullest, with all 512 utilised to control multiple fixtures types. In this universe are present:
- the beam fixtures located on the ground around the artist and directly above the stage;
- the lighting located in a circular truss rigged on the ceiling (that I didn't utilize in this show);
- 15 strobes
- the LED blinders
The fourth universe (at 507 channels) hosts all the washlights and the "alternate" set of beam fixtures (the ones placed in pairs on the upper side of the trusses).
In the previous "stage view" (https://youtu.be/oeZ9DDfqMMY) you can see the draft (to which I made changes in the final version) of the present lightshow.

The show is entirely timelined, I believe approximately 70 scenes are used for this project.
The most interesting part of the project clearly is the approximately 1/3 of the show with intense dubstep music and lighting. I tried to follow the details of the track as much as possible, like at 02:37. In the final "dance section" however I preferred to make extensive use of blinders and flood the audience with lights.

Hope you like it :)
As usual, if you have any question or feedback, ask here or under the video ;)
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Re: "Levels" 3DView Lighshow

Post by support »

Thank you Flavio !
This is a fantastic lightshow.

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Re: "Levels" 3DView Lighshow

Post by SeekLighting »

Hey Flavio.

Looks great as always!

I've got two bits of feedback:

- it would be great to see a little bit more of a realistic lighting state set for where your DJ would actually be. It would be odd to have your DJ in complete darkness. Some sort of wash on him while your effects go nuts around him would be good.

- In regards to how you organised your universes, you should consider organising them more like real life. In real life the fixtures in each universe are generally physically in the same area, as to keep all of the DMX cabling consistent and not have cables from different universes crossing over
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Re: "Levels" 3DView Lighshow

Post by LightningFM »

Thank you support, and hey TimH, thanks for the on-point feedback!

- DJ in darkness: yup, I noticed that as well in a few other virtual projects of mine. I will focus a bit more on that in the future when necessary. The target of the project was the dubstep-related effects rather than ambient lighting, but I agree that adding some PAR running a parallel lighshow lighting the DJ (as I placed it in the 3D View model) would be appropriate. Since I will now have quite a lot of free time available I'll probably make a revised forum-only version in the next days :)
Anyway, many years ago I was inspired to sooner or later do "Levels" (and in general to get interested in lighting) by this great video by Nicolas Bailly (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0QOifUhfwk), who directly got rid of the DJ for his neat lightshow ;) :lol:

- Universes: you are correct on that too, but please keep in mind that this is just a fictitious "fun" project, that no one will ever have to rig in real life.
The reason why I don't organise the fixture in a more cable-friendly way is to simplify the selection of fixtures while programming. Take as an example the simple scene that at 01:28 commands the fadeout from right to left; it is simply made with steps: step 01 has everything full, step 02 shuts the first right column, then step 03 shuts the second right column etc..
By having the universes organized the current way I simply have to drag the mouse to select fixtures from a single "pool" with all the lights I need already together, rather than having to switch back and forth between multiple universes. This comes in handy especially with more elaborated scenes, or when I make a mistake or change my plan and need to modify the scene multiple times.
Scenes like the white movement at 01:12 or the circular shape at 01:52, those would have been a nightmare to edit without having the involved fixtures in a single screen.

I appreciate your feedback, in particular the first one, I will keep it in mind for next projects ;)
Stay tuned for a possible revised version :mrgreen:
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Re: "Levels" 3DView Lighshow

Post by thorehl »

Is this a re-release? Coz I remember see this earlier
lydlys.com - Freelance sound & light engeneer
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Re: "Levels" 3DView Lighshow

Post by LightningFM »

I had posted a draft earlier on, see the other link in the post ;)
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Re: "Levels" 3DView Lighshow

Post by LightningFM »

I inserted some LED fixtures around the DJ's station and programmed them to match colours/effects of the rest of the show.. but I wasn't happy with the look.
I then realized I had already the solution in the showfile: using 3 fixtures from the "circle truss" over the audience (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeZ9DDf ... e=youtu.be at 01:38), pointing the DJ at low-intensity white did the trick.
See screens here https://imgur.com/a/VUA1S3e
It indeed improved, thanks :)
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