Scrambled Buttons?

create pages with buttons to trigger scenes
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Joined: 01 September 2018, 00:25

Scrambled Buttons?

Post by KarenB »

The venue I'm at uses Sweetlight v8.2.24 and it has developed a really strange bug. It's kind of hard to explain and hopefully this will make sense. On the screen there are 8 boxes with buttons inside. If I pass the cursor over one of the box headings (i.e. spot duo's) it will change randomly to one of the other headings and the accompanying buttons (i.e. dance floor). Needless to say this can lead to a disaster in the middle of a show if one is not super careful.

I'm not sure if this is a computer or a software problem. The issue started just as the house dj/tech had to go into the hospital with health issues which left me as the only one even remotely familiar with the system. And while I sorta have a clue, I'm a newbie to lighting who knows just enough to be able to paint myself into a corner real quick. I have both Sweetlight 8.2.24 and Showxpress 8.2.28 on a couple of my laptops and have been unable to duplicate the issue. HELP!!
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Re: Scrambled Buttons?

Post by support »

Sorry but we are not able to debug an old version of our software.
First thing to do is to update your software to the current version V9.

Caution (for Windows only)
V9 needs new usb drivers ( ... f=2&t=5690)
The Lighting Controller
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Joined: 01 September 2018, 00:25

Re: Scrambled Buttons?

Post by KarenB »

Know I'm doing something wrong but haven't been able to get v9 to work (probably not installing the new drivers properly). Also is there a way to get the lighter color skin back? To be honest, one of the reasons we haven't switched (besides the driver issue) is that neither one of us like the dark color of v9, dark things tend to blend into the dark gray and almost disappear.
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Re: Scrambled Buttons?

Post by support »

Sorry but, following the wish of almost all forumers who posted in the "dark or light skin" survey topic, V9 has a dark skin, and it is not possible to get it in light skin.
So the only choice for you is to stay with V8.
The Lighting Controller
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Re: Scrambled Buttons?

Post by JohnRichards »

@Support. This reply seems a bit frustrating for many users who would have preferred the option of light or dark colour.
To add to insult, if we stay with version 8 and have any problems, your reply is that you do not support it anymore!!!
Lets have a little bit of co-operation.
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Scrambled Buttons?

Post by support »

We did support V8 for around 24 months after the last version (year 2017).
But now this is technically not possible (new technology, new dev tools, ...).
Sorry for that.
The Lighting Controller
Posts: 3
Joined: 01 September 2018, 00:25

Re: Scrambled Buttons?

Post by KarenB »

I don't understand why it would be so difficult to be able to toggle back and forth between the light or dark skin. It's just a cosmetic fix that shouldn't have any effect on the actual operation of the program. Many programs have the option of being able to change the color or look of a program without effecting how the program works. To be honest, had the darker skin been the norm when I started I probably would have looked elsewhere. For me the dark gray is just not comfortable to work with and comfort level is important.
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