Sound to Light hardware interface

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Sound to Light hardware interface

Post by support »

Our partner Roland from the company has developped the very interesting "sound to light" following hardware interface.
It allows to generate Midi messages from the Beats of any analog audio signal.

Here is the presention from Roland
“The Lighting Controller” goes Sound

Hello everybody. I’m Roland from MTF-Showtechnic. We are using “The Lighting Controller” since 5 years and we’re making the German support for the software.
We’re often asked if it’s possible to control the lights by sound.
As you know it’s not easy to do. A Chaser will not really stop and a flashing light isn’t easy to do too.

We decided to develop an easy to handle circuit which is able to react to the music and to control step scenes via Midi commands.

The (S)ound 2 (L)ight Transmitter is born!

First Version could only send a Control Change command with adjustable velocity via Dip Switches and sound noticed by an internal mike.
At PLS in Frankfurt, where we’ve presented the forthcoming V9 software with Eric (CEO of The Lighting Controller) we checked the function and decide to rework the complete Transmitter and to spend him more functions.

Now you can see the brand new S2L Transmitter.

It sends two sound controlled Midi commands synchronous. This is a Control Change and a Note On command.
The Sound is noticed by an internal microphone or a Line Input and pass through an automatic gain control and a bass filter.
You are able to switch Control Change and/or Note command on/off with the „Midi Select“ button.
As a result of that you can assign the commands to the favorite scenes or stop working to sound.
The „BPM“ button generates another Note On command which is assignable to the BPM function.

The switches „Velocity“ and „Signals“ are used to set the velocity of the Control Change command and to count the sound signals before a Midi command is generated.

The S2L Transmitter is connected and powered via a standard USB cable.

Please notice: Only step scenes are sound controllable!
Tip: Every generator and pixel scene can be changed into a step scene.

We look forward to hearing from you. If you are interested we can produce the Transmitter ourselves and exclusively in Germany.

And yes – we wish to sell it.
For further information please contact:
The Lighting Controller

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