
create scenes with steps
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Pink LD
Posts: 688
Joined: 04 January 2010, 19:03


Post by Pink LD »

I am using Ver 8.2.32 on a Win 10 PC with most current update with an Express 512 (U1), DMX-AN (U2), and an old Box (U3). I still have the old box because I have one show I still sometimes use a console for DMX inputs.

This weekend was the first time in a long while I had to update all my pallettes mid-show. In the recent past I have tweaked a pallette here or there mid-show but with the knowledge I would get the look of the fixtures I (i.e. the colour I use for pallette focus). Imagine my surprise that during my mid-show pallette updates only the XY was affected, the look of the song stayed what it was supposed to be. I am not sure when this change happened but it is very welcome. Pallette focuses that were close enough I would avoid tweaking during the show because I would lose the look in Live. Now it will be a breeze to tweak a pallette mid-show.
This is a superb innovation, and I tip my hat to you at Support.
Posts: 10645
Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Pallettes

Post by support »

Thank you.
The Lighting Controller
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