can we add custom colors and gobos ?

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Joined: 24 December 2009, 15:14

can we add custom colors and gobos ?

Post by kahilzinger »

I would like support for split colors (2, 3. 4. etc) and the ability to add our own colors into the color wheel properties of a fixture?

I assume Gobos still have the same customization ability as long as you create the .ico and .bmp files?

Could there be a check box on the gobo wheel settings to support gobo bounce and have it also work in 3D mode?
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Custome Colors, Custom Gobos

Post by support »

Split colors is not easy. We presently use the "3D color function" technology which allows only one color per beam. In fact, technically speaking, split color is same as gobo. This means for us to change completly our 3D color beam management. Moreover, this will require more processor power. We need more time to think about this.
You can still make your own gobos, but change ICO and BMP format by PNG format.
Please note that each fixture can have 2 gobos (gobo and gobo2), and gobo2 can use "split colors" home made gobos.
This is the first requirement about "gobo bounce" effect, so this was not on the priority TODO list. We keep that in mind.
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