Media file issue on V8 when using Timeline [fixed]

create synch shows with video, audio and lights
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Media file issue on V8 when using Timeline [fixed]

Post by U074673 »

I hope you can help me.
I have 2 PC, one (OS Windows 7) with V7, the other (OS Windows 10) with the last released V8.
I have exported the lightshow from V7 PC and imported in the V8 PC. Everything works, but as soon I open a tml file and try to modify it, the system crashes and a Windows failure message "Program stops working..." is prompted. If I disable the media file (only the video .mov file) everything works, fixture are proprerly managed, but as soon I enable the video file in the timeline, the system crashes again.

I have reinstalled the program, removed all the drivers, and reinstalled manually. Created a new lightshow, a dummy .scex (just to see), created a new .tml. Again , as soon I upload in the timeline a brand new video (different from the previous used videos, but still a .mov file)... crash!!!
Luc Henrion
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Re: Media file issue on V8 when using Timeline

Post by Luc Henrion »

just to be sure: can you read the "mov" file with another program? Maybe it's a video codec issue...
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Re: Media file issue on V8 when using Timeline

Post by U074673 »

Unfortunately work.
I have immediately tried to see if was a codec issue, but it was not.
I'm really confused
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Re: Media file issue on V8 when using Timeline

Post by Niffo »

Did you transfer the media file on the new PC ? Is the path of the media file correct in the TimeLine on the new PC ?
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Re: Media file issue on V8 when using Timeline

Post by U074673 »

As said in my first post i have used the export feature and then imported on the other PC the lightshow , it is not a matter of path. Obviously i checked , just in case. I feel is more related to Windows 10 last update, that compromised the video management. On the other PC everything is perfect. ... but i'm scared to update the program on this PC from V7 to V8,
Other Ideas ?
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Re: Media file issue on V8 when using Timeline

Post by Niffo »

Did you try with another video format ?
Did you try to install "K-Lite" Codec Pack ?
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Re: Media file issue on V8 when using Timeline

Post by U074673 »

Many thanks for all the suggestions, but perhaps I'm not able to explain the issue. I'm not trying to see the video file (as you know showxpress just launches the video , but everything is managed by the PC media player resources) so the codec is not running when the problem rise.

I'm in the situation now that if I try to modify any .tml, i.e. add a video file in the timeline (of any format), Windows10 pop ups with the message "The program stop working....", than showxpress is shutted down.
All the other parts of the program, as pixels, scenes, etc works as usual. But if I select "Live" tab, and I open an existing .tml, as soon I try to modify it, just only adding a video file (pay attention, I'm not running the timeline) program crashes and get closed, I loose all the modifications.
I'm pretty sure is a problem in my new PC with windows10 combined with showxpress V8 (I tried also to install V7, but I have the same problem). The other PC with window7 and showxpress V7 works perfectly, but not knowing where the problem is I will never upgrade from V7 to V8, but I'm terrorized on what could be the effect when a major Windows Update for Window7 will happen.

Any tips form the support team?
PLease don't tell me to use Macbook ;)
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Re: Media file issue on V8 when using Timeline

Post by Niffo »

Can you please send us your lightshow : viewtopic.php?f=3&t=168
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Re: Media file issue on V8 when using Timeline

Post by U074673 »

Of course I will do it tomorrow.

Many thanks
Luc Henrion
Posts: 262
Joined: 30 March 2015, 06:57

Re: Media file issue on V8 when using Timeline

Post by Luc Henrion »

When you say that the codec is not "running" I think that it's not exactly true: as soon as you ask your PC to "look at" a video file, it will seek for the appropriate codec, so that when you press "play", well, it will play! Correct me if I am wrong...
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