Since manufacturing costs of lighting equipment are dramatically reduced, we meet sometimes dmx problems with some of our interfaces (those who do not have dmx optical isolation). Most of the time, this problem is due to ground loop problem (bad current send by a dmx fixture to the dmx line). In order to know if you have a "ground loop" problem, please do this:
- connect the dmx interface to one dmx fixture (only one) with one dmx line
- do not plug any other dmx fixture to the dmx line (do not connect anything to the dmx output of the dmx fixture)
- switch off all other dmx fixtures
- run the software and play with the dmx fixture, during the necessary time to usually get the problem
If the problem still exists, please let us know.
If the problem do not exists anymore, this means there is certainly a "ground loop" problem. So we suggest you to insert a "DMX optical isolator*" between the DMX interface and the lighting equipment. This will not repair the problem, but the lights will work and your couple computer&interface will be protected.
PS: some of our dmx interfaces have a build in optical isolation for the DMX line.
PS: a strong "ground loop" problem can burn the printed circuit board of our interface (with visible traces of ashes), which might occur an invalidation of the guarantee (viewtopic.php?f=15&t=374).
Example of a user having a ground loop problem: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=544
* ask your retailer to know where to find a "DMX optical isolator".
Dmx is not stable (or flickering, or ...)
computer, driver, ...
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