
stack scenes and play them with a "GO" button
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Post by TylerPieper »

Forgive me if this is the wrong board!

I just installed the newest version of ShowXpress and I'm very impressed with the progress made!

After playing with the sequential list mode, I had a few ideas that I'd like to pass along:

--Multiple item selection - I'd like to be able to select 5 scenes and deselect "Loop" and have all 5 disable loop at the same time. Same goes for trigger and fade in/fade out as well as delete etc. Another option could be at the top of the list, a "select all" type interface that would affect all items.
--Drag and Drop - This kind of goes with the above item, but it'd be awesome to be able to select 5 scenes and drag them to a different point in the list. I can see this being a problem during a show, so possibly a button in the toolbar that locks the list would be a great companion to this.
--List import - Lets say my band has 20 songs, and we do 5 random songs each show. Imagine that each song is its own list, and I just import each song in the order of performance and I've built out my master list for the night in a manner of minutes.

Thanks for reading and hope to the these options and more in the future!
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Re: Suggestions (Mainly in regards to new Sequential List mo

Post by support »

Thank you for your feedback.
Well noted your comments.

"Sequential List" is very young.
We are presently waiting for more feedback, to be sure the overall concept is ok.
Afterwards, we will work on the comfort in use.
The Lighting Controller
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Re: Suggestions

Post by spielberger »


I just quickly tested out the new sequential list. I really like the simplicity of the way it is set up.

I have a few questions and suggestions for it:

- I don't get the interactions and conditions of the Trigger and Duration column: I assumed "Follow" would trigger the next scene if the previous one ends and isn't looped or has a duration set. But this doesn't work at all. The Duration is ignored and it instantly jumps to the next line if "Follow" is set. By the way: what time unit is "Duration" refering to? Number of steps? Seconds? Milliseconds?

- In this context I don't get the use of macros, which should better be named "group" or something less confusing because I first thought it triggers the macro-buttons. If everything "follow"s the previous scene instantly, the macros just do the same thing. Or is it just intened to be used for grouping only, so that you can easily move blocks?

- a bug report (I guess it is one): sometimes when a scene or a macro is triggered, the timecode stops and the pause button is running wild as if triggered multiple times a second.

- The beta for now seems intended for theater plays, that just need lightscenes by lightscene on "GO". But I really miss the feature to add timeline triggers to the list. Not just for playing audio or video but giving you the ability to recall an easy to edit sequence. For now it does not even have to have a feedback trigger when the timeline comes to a stop or pause, but simply triggering them would be a huge improvement.

I really appreciate the new "sequential list" that I have waited for so long and I'm very excited what will be possible with it when it comes out of beta stage.

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Re: Suggestions

Post by Tulsadj »

Just started working with this last night.

Being that I've never worked a light board, and have never programmed shows for a performance (band/theater or otherwise), I wasn't sure how it was supposed to work, so here was my initial thought.
I thought I could layer scenes like the button panel, so if I wanted to have a scene for a band, the first scene might be to set the movers in place, the next step in the sequence would then have one scene to turn on the light on one of the movers, the next step would turn on another, etc and everything would stay in place.

Since that's not the case, I found I basically have to copy the entire sequence, which I eventually created a macro, then added the scenes to it, then add the one scene to turn on that mover.

Another thought I had was, it would be nice to say this scene stays live for X number of steps. Like if you were building an HTML table, you can say this column extends 4 rows.
This could make it handy to add say a new wash light to multiple steps, and not have to add that scene to multiple steps individually.

A good option to have would be to be able to copy the existing step to a new step so that then you can stay where you are, and continue from there.
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Re: Suggestions

Post by Tulsadj »

It would be nice if the button page could be utilized to create the steps sequential.

Add step, takes you to button screen, click what you want, and adds it as a macro.
Change what you want, click save & add button to add new selection as next step and repeat
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Re: Suggestions

Post by Nigel_Med »

The Sequential list is a great feature, ideal for some of the corporate presentation events at which I use the application. I would like to make the system easy to operate by the presenter in similar style to clicking trough a PowerPoint presentation, the Sequential List could easily achieve that. It could do with a few improvements, my suggestions are as follows;-

As a few others have mentioned, a "Back" button is essential for times when the next scene has been accidentally triggered too early.

The ability to add media files to be triggered in the same way as the Live page so audio and video clips can be incorporated into a sequence.

Options for triggering the "Go" (and "back"!) buttons via other means in the same way as scene buttons in the Live window; keyboard, MIDI and DMX
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Re: Suggestions

Post by support »

"Back" button

media files
Let's try first to make a good "Sequential List" program for lights. We will see later about media files.

midi / keyboards shorcuts for commands
The Lighting Controller
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Re: Suggestions

Post by support »

"Back" button
Finally not really essential, because you just have to click on the upper line.

Please note also that the keyboard shortcut of "Go" is the "space bar".
The Lighting Controller
Luc Henrion
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Re: Suggestions

Post by Luc Henrion »

Not sure about the "back" button being not essential. Could we have keyboard shortcuts similar to "live"? In other programs (like Cubase for audio), I've assigned "b" for "back" and "n" for "next" (and "enter" for pause/stop),very convenient. This could be in addition to the space bar: having several ways to trigger "go" is always welcome.
BTW, I recently had a crash, (I'm using an USB cable interface), I'l try to reproduce it.
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Re: Suggestions

Post by spelenderwijs »

I'm trying out the "Sequential List". It looks like a nice solution for theater acts.

But because i need to play audio and change lights at about the same time switching between Live and Sequential List is an obstical to use this feature.

There are a few solutions.

1. I could make a Macro button that activates a scene and media file at the same time in the Sequential. But media is not played at the moment.

2. There could be a Sequential List as a Page in the Live show. This way I could controle the Seq with Space (and back) and the Audio with Button triggers.

3. The Back and Next functions of the Sequential List could be buttons I could add to the Live View to controle the Steps. (But no view on which step is current).

I think option 2 is the best solution at this time.

I have tried to work around this impementation with a Buttons Window (not Buttons Tab) with a Sequential List next to it. But when the Sequential Tab is activated the Buttons Window won't react.
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