Version 8.1.00 is ready

please read this before posting
Posts: 10896
Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Version 8.1.00 is ready

Post by support »

Please note the following infos, before upgrading to V8

Using lightshows from V7
V8 reads V7 lightshows (backward compatibility), but V7 might have problems to read V8 lightshows. So please make a backup of your lightshows in a safe volume (usb key, cloud, ...), before running V8. Again, once you modify your V7 lightshow with V8, it might be lost for V7, and we could not help you to retrieve the original V7 lightshow.

Changes in V8
all - the *HARD* dmx & midi patch of V7 is now in main menu "File"
Fixtures - all fixtures must be declared (otherwise V7 scene import will not work properly)
Steps - the new scenes file format is ".scex"
Steps - non activated channels are grey
Steps - palette based channels are red
Steps - shows fixture channel numbers instead of dmx addresses (because programming is fixtures based in V8 and it is dmx addresses based in V7)

New demo show "demo_show_V8"
This demo show uses palettes. The following palettes are existing:
- wash_lights_stage
- wash_lights_keyboard
- wash_lights_drum
- wash_lights_guitar
These palettes are positionning the 8 wash moving heads to "keyboard", "drum", "guitar" or whole stage.
In Live, the scenes in page "wash lights position" use these palettes. Three of these scenes are static Steps scenes, and one is a Generator moving scene.
For more understanding, we suggest you to make the following test:
- in 3DView, move the guitar player to the right (for instance in front of the speaker)
- in Live, switch on the "3D" button and press the scene button "WC_yellow" (leave all other scene buttons off)
- go in in Steps, press the button "Menu" in the toolbar, and select "Palette", to enter in the "Palette edit" mode
- switch on the "3D" button
- select the step "wash_lights_guitar"
- adjust the position of each of the 8 fixtures to the new position of the guitar player (only in this step)
- press the button "Save" in the toolbar
- press the button "New scene" in the toolbar to exit from "Palette edit" mode
- switch off the "3D" button
- go in Live and check the scenes "WP_guitar" and "WP_all" have been correctly updated with the new position of the guitar player
This demo show is included in the software.

How to use the palettes
The Palettes management is handled in Steps.
To manage the palettes, click in button "Menu" in the toolbar and select the menu "Palettes".
To save an existing step of a scene as a palette, right click over the chosen step in the list of steps, and select the menu option "Save as palette".
To use a palette in Steps, click in the level area (the black square below channel icon and above the channel fader), and select the palette in the menu.
To use a palette in Generator, right click over the point in the curve, and select the palette in the dropdown menu.
To remove a palette in Steps on the channel, right click on the channel and select the menu option "Release palette".
To remove a palette in Generator, right click over the point in the curve and select "Release palette" in the dropdown menu.
Please watch this to know how to program a palette: ... rTtPOkOgJS

How to set the dmx/midi inputs to fixtures
In Fixtures, click in button "Menu" in the toolbar and select the menu "Fixtures DMX inputs" or "Fixtures Midi inputs".
- enter the dmx input, or learn the midi message
- set the priority mode
- add an optional comment
- press the button "Add"
- select the line in the inputs list
- check the target channels in the treeview

The new engine of Live
We encourage you to remove the buttons linked to generated scenes, and replace them by new buttons with the menu option "Add Generator/Pixels scene". The reason is Live is now able to straight play Generator/Pixels projects (which means better accuracy).

The new tool "Sequential List"
This new software in the software is still BETA. Do not use it for productions until it is BETA.

The software is available here:
All changes are listed here: viewtopic.php?f=75&t=4344
Here are some videos for V8: ... rTtPOkOgJS
Please post in standard sections for V8 (viewforum.php?f=4), and start each post title with "V8 - ".
The Lighting Controller
Posts: 10896
Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Version 8.1.00 is ready

Post by support »

The fix for V8.1.2 is available here: http://download.thelightingcontroller.c ... are/V8/new
The Lighting Controller
Posts: 10896
Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Version 8.1.00 is ready

Post by support »

The fix for V8.1.10 is available here: http://download.thelightingcontroller.c ... are/V8/new

The news are:
Live Buttons - Vertical sliders in buttons
Live Timeline - Fade in/out option for scenes
The Lighting Controller

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