Pan Tilt inverse doesn't work [fixed]

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MTF Showtechnic
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Pan Tilt inverse doesn't work [fixed]

Post by MTF Showtechnic »

Is is a bug or.....
For one of our new shows we're using Moving Head (MH). Some of them are hanging in the truss, others standing on the stage.
Therefore we reversed Pan/Tilt in the fixture setting.
But nothing happened. All Heads are still doing the same.
We took a look at this scene. Here we could see the changed DMX values! Took a look at the DMX Value Window. No change - all Values are identical.
We stored the scene again - switched the button On/Off but the values still identical.
It's only working if we create a scene with the generator and when the desired Head is marked in the generator menu Pan/Tilt inverse.
To be sure that there are no faults in the lightshow we've done a new show called - PANTILT.
Still the same.
btw: We've no faults in Head Settings!
Hope you can reproduce the fault.
Using 7.1.77
If you need the (very small) PANTILT Show let us no the address - we'll send it.
greetings from Germany
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Re: Pan Tilt inverse doesn't work

Post by support »

Please make the easiest possible lightshow and email it to us (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19).
The Lighting Controller
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Re: Pan Tilt inverse doesn't work

Post by support »

In your lightshow, when we move the two pan (or tilt) together (group), in the dmx bargraph, we see that the dmx values do opposite movements. So it looks ok for us.
The Lighting Controller
MTF Showtechnic
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Re: Pan Tilt inverse doesn't work

Post by MTF Showtechnic »

We've double checked it on 2 PC's and one Laptop! I doesn't work.
Now I've just opened the lightshow again and in editor the Pan_Tilt scene.
In editor i can see the opposite programmed DMX Values in the 2 steps, but in DMX Value Window i see identical Values.Right now at this moment!
Same in 3D Window identical move.
If I do as you describe: Open editor, click on the group and move Pan or Tilt Faders I'll get your result.
Don't understand that behaviour!
Please open the Show again, open the PAN/Tilt scene in editor - look to the 2 steps - there are opposite Values, switch on the DMX button in editor - open the DMX Value window and tell me what you see if you click on first and second step of the scene. Really opposite movement?
I'm anxious of this result.
MTF Showtechnic
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Re: Pan Tilt inverse doesn't work

Post by MTF Showtechnic »

Here I've another mystery for you:
Open the show, open the Pan tilt scene, click on step one and on step two. You'll see the opposite Values.
Now go to "Fixture setting" Click on Head 1 and delete the X and Y inversing.
Go back to the editor - select the Head Group again. Now you should see identical values for X and Y in the 2 steps.
Watch the DMX Value Window!
Do same vice versa.
Go to "Fixture setting" Click on Head 1 and select X and Y inverse.
Go back to the editor - select the Head Group. Now you should see opposite values for X and Y in the 2 steps.
Watch the DMX Value Window again!
Pleas tell me the result.
MTF Showtechnic
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Re: Pan Tilt inverse doesn't work

Post by MTF Showtechnic »

Pardon my asking, but still haven't got a reply about the latest posting from 07 December 2015, 15:33.
Have you checked the Pan/Tilt scene as I described it ?
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Re: Pan Tilt inverse doesn't work

Post by support »

There are 2 different pan/tilt invert options:

1 - Editor - Fixtures > right click on a fixture > select menu "Reverse pan/tilt"
Used for instance to move the beams, from left to right, of 2 face to face mirror lights.
"Reverse pan/tilt" inverts only the dmx value.

2 - Editor - Fixture - Edit fixture > section "3DView" > checkbox at the right of "Pan/Tilt amplitude"
With some manufacturers, dmx value 0 to 255 moves the mirror from left to right, and with some other manufacturers, dmx value 0 to 255 moves the mirror from right to left. This parameter allows to match the movement in 3DView with all manufacturers.
This checkbox inverts only the movement in 3DView.
The Lighting Controller
MTF Showtechnic
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Re: Pan Tilt inverse doesn't work

Post by MTF Showtechnic »

Sorry, I know that I'm annoying, but I think that we talk past each other.
1 - Editor - Fixtures > right click on a fixture > select menu "Reverse pan/tilt"
Used for instance to move the beams, from left to right, of 2 face to face mirror lights.
"Reverse pan/tilt" inverts only the dmx value.
Noticed and working as I wrote at 07 December 2015, 15:19 if I select a group of Heads and move a Pan/Tilt Fader.
Thus I'm making a new scene - everything is ok.
- Editor - Fixture - Edit fixture > section "3DView" > checkbox at the right of "Pan/Tilt amplitude"
With some manufacturers, dmx value 0 to 255 moves the mirror from left to right, and with some other manufacturers, dmx value 0 to 255 moves the mirror from right to left. This parameter allows to match the movement in 3DView with all manufacturers.
This checkbox inverts only the movement in 3DView.
Noticed and working.

Again: Please open the my small Lightshow respectively the PAN-Tilt Scene and do exactly the same as I described at 07 December 2015, 15:33.
You'll see opposite Fader positions but none opposite DMX Values.
And that's what I'm asking for - that looks like a bug.

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Re: Pan Tilt inverse doesn't work

Post by support »

You'll see opposite Fader positions but none opposite DMX Values.
Yes, this makes sense, because pan/tilt are inverted in fixture #1 and not in fixture #2.

When pan (or tilt) is inverted, fader position and dmx value are inverted.
When pan (or tilt) is not inverted, fader position and dmx value are same.
The Lighting Controller
MTF Showtechnic
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Joined: 05 December 2014, 09:06

Re: Pan Tilt inverse doesn't work

Post by MTF Showtechnic »

I think I'm mad, or it's to tricky that I don't understand.
When pan (or tilt) is inverted, fader position and dmx value are inverted.
I agree
When pan (or tilt) is not inverted, fader position and dmx value are same
I agree - that's how it should be.

But in both steps of the Pan Tilt scene the Faders are opposite and DMX Out values are identical for both Heads! (Only Head 1 with X&Y reversed)
That's the problem what I don't understand.
Both Heads are still doing the same. They don't move face 2 face.
They move face 2 face when I'm creating a new scene with 1 Head reversed - as you described before.
This complete post accrued while I'm creating one scene with 2 Steps for 2 Heads with none of them reversed.
After storing the scene I've reversed Head No.1 and to my amazement the Fader positions are reversed but not the DMX Values.
Can you imagine this surprise.
And here we are
I wittier of a Queen song: I'm going slightly mad...
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