Help! Wich power adapter for old sweetbox? (rs 232)

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Help! Wich power adapter for old sweetbox? (rs 232)

Post by vincentkrimp »

Dear colleages,

Last week i found an old rs 232 - dmx controll box for the sweetlight software.
I have downloaded V5, but not an driver for the box, is that correct?
I've bought a rs 232 adapter to usb (and installed the driver for this adapter on the USB poort.

So far, so good...

But the final missing detail, i have no extended adapter or even an idea which one it has to be..

Because the box is painted over (in a much better teen-silver spickel color ;-), i cant see any information and even google can't help me..

So please help me, because i just finished 8x Martin 518 mk2 Pro and already got a little show for the freestyler V5 software so can't wait for an answer :-)

Here's a photo of the box.


thanks in advandse

Vincent Krimp
Posts: 10645
Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Help! Wich power adapter for old sweetbox? (rs 232)

Post by support »

You can use any 9-12V 300mA power adapter.
Polarity does not matter.
The Lighting Controller
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