Intimidator Spot Duo 150 issues

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Intimidator Spot Duo 150 issues

Post by gonzrich »

I have 2 Intimidator Spot Duo 150 fixtures. I want to use the pre-made curves in the Generator but I noticed that I can only load the curves in the Generator > curves_pantilt folder for the Pan/Tilt/uPan/uTilt channel and the problem is that channel is only controlling the left head of each of the Intimidator Spot Duo 150s, the other head is not included in that channel.

The other head is only controlled by the individual pan#2, upan#2, tilt#2, and utilt#2 channels, which makes the whole point of having 2 heads worthless. Plus, I can't get the Circle or any of the other cool curves (crown, eight, star, wave) in these individual pan/tilt channels.

My expectation is that both heads on the fixture should be controlled by the Pan/Tilt/uPan/uTilt channel, so that both can have synchronized moves. If I would have known that these duos were not able to move both heads like I expected, I would have bought single heads instead.

Perhaps it's me that's the problem and I don't know how to do it, in which case please let me know what I need to do. But if this is a flaw with the fixtures, please fix it. I'm not able to use the Duos like I hoped and my show is coming up soon.

Thank you.
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Re: Intimidator Spot Duo 150 issues

Post by support »

Please read this: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=3383
The Lighting Controller
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Re: Intimidator Spot Duo 150 issues

Post by gonzrich »

hi Support,

Had I known the Duos had this defect, I would have probably gone with individual Intimidator heads instead.

I read the post you mention and I see a person has a work-around but I need detailed step-by-step instructions on how to do it. I'm a complete beginner to ShowExpress and lighting in general, so I would appreciate detailed instructions. So far this has not been as easy as it's advertised.

I understand the software is "free" but let's be real, the software does no good without the Xpress 512 controller, which costs $500, so it's not a cheap investment, plus all the cost of the lights. Having spend over $3000 on Chauvet products I would expect much better functionality from the software.

If you don't have a fix for the defects that plague your software then at least provide us with detailed instructions on a work-around.

Thank you,
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Re: Intimidator Spot Duo 150 issues

Post by support »

The explaination of "alhuddart" is complete and very clear:
The work-around I'm having to use is to edit the fixture and remove the second set of P/T channels, make a 4 channel profile (P,uP,T,uT) and place that in front of the amended profile, group and then control P/T as I should be able to in Generator.
The Lighting Controller
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Re: Intimidator Spot Duo 150 issues

Post by gonzrich »

It may be clear if you had a good user manual that explained with tutorials how the parts of the software work, not some light fluff that only gives names of things and doesn't give any detailed explanation of how to use it. What you call a "user manual" is worse than if it was written in Chinese.

I'm a Quality Assurance Analyst, so I test software for a living and I can tell you that if I got documentation for the software I test like the documentation you provide with your software I wouldn't have a clue how to use the software. I'm not surprised by your response. Typical for someone that doesn't care about their users.

What I have been able to do with your software has been thanks to Darren Field's videos in YouTube (ShowXpress Training). He's the only one that has anywhere near useful examples and explanations. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't know what to do. Your documentation is woefully lacking details to say nothing of your so called "technical support". All you do is point me to other user's posts and call it a day.

If "alhuddart"s explanation was complete and clear why would I ask for detailed steps. It says to:

1. remove the second set of P/T channels
Remove them from where? When I go to the Fixture module and right-click on the Intimidator Spot Duo 150 fixture, I click on the 'Edit Fixture' option. It brings up the ''Edit Fixture' window showing the Channels. But I don't see any option to "remove" the second set of P/T channels. I see an option to "cut" a channel, is this how you "remove" it?

2. make a 4 channel profile (P, uP, T, uT) and place that in front of the amended profile
I'm still in the "Edit Fixture" window, but I don't see anything that let's me "make a profile". So I close the window and I'm back at the Fixtures tab. Should I click "Add Fixture"? Doing so brings up the "Add fixtures" window and I click on the "or create a new fixture" button. I give the new fixture a name, enter 4 channels and click create. The fixture is added to my Fixtures window. If I then right-click on it, I can then edit the 4 channels to make them represent (pan, upan, tilt, utilt) and set the levels for each channel. When done I click Save.

I don't understand how to do the last part to "place that in front of the amended profile". Do I have to move the fixtures around in the Fixtures tab to put the 4 channel fixture profile I created in front of the Intimidator profile? I thought I couldn't move fixtures around in the Fixtures tab because it screws up the addresses/patching?

3. group and then control P/T as I should be able to in Generator
This is the only part of "alhuddart"s that is not confusing.

As you can see, I do have a brain and I'm trying my best to decipher your so called "complete and clear" explanation but you can't tell me it's all there because it's not.

I don't expect to get any type of help any more. I just took the time to write this to show you how you should be giving "complete and clear" explanations when people ask for help. I know it's way too much typing for you to do or care about. So thanks for nothing. You are a marvelous example of the type of person that is making this world go to hell in a hand basket. Keep up the good work.
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Re: Intimidator Spot Duo 150 issues

Post by gonzrich »

First of all, thanks to "alhuddart" for coming up with the work-around solution to this issue.

I just spent a few hours figuring out how to do the work-around based on "alhuddart"s high level description and I got it to work. I took notes of all the steps involved and I'm sharing them, hoping that they will help someone else out there having this issue and that it will save them the time and effort that I had to go through since I got no help from the "support" person. What a truly pitiful support Chauvet provides. At any rate, here are the steps:

NOTE: The instructions below assume you have an Intimidator Spot Duo 150 in 20 Channel mode.

1. Go to 'Fixtures'screen
2. Right-click on the Intimidator Spot Duo 150 fixture and select the "Edit Fixture" menu option.
NOTE: If you have more than one Duo, click on any of them, the edit will apply to all instances. I have 2 Duos, so the instructions that follow assume we're doing this for both Duos. If you only have one then ignore the steps for the 2nd Duo. If you have more than just repeat steps as needed for the other Duos.
3. The "Edit Fixture" pop-up screen appears. Notice the "Channels" panel on the left.
4. Right-click on the "5 pan" channel and select the "cut channel" option.
5. Click "Yes" to the pop-up asking you to confirm that you want to cut the channel.
NOTE: Cutting the "5 pan" channel moves up the next channel ("upan") into the channel #5 and the rest of the channels move up to the previous channel # as well.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the "5 upan", "5 tilt" and "5 utilt" channels.
NOTE: When you finish cutting those channels, notice that your 20 channel fixture is now 16 channels.
7. When done cutting those channels, click on the "Save" button in the "Edit Fixture" screen to save your changes.
8. Click the "x" on the top right corner of the window to close the "Edit Fixture" screen
Notice that there are 4 channel "gaps" in BEHIND/AFTER your original Duo instances. But you want it to be IN-FRONT/BEFORE. So you need to move your Duo profiles so the 4-channel gaps are IN-FRONT/BEFORE your Duo profiles. If you don't do this, your new 4-channel fixture will not be in the right place later when you try to do your Steps.
9. Click on the "Add Fixture" button or right click anywhere on an "empty" area in the fixtures address area and select the "Add Fixture" option.
10. The "Add Fixtures" screen appears.
11. Click the "or create a new fixture" button.
12. The "Create fixture" pop-up screen appears, asking you to enter a name for the new fixture.
13. Enter a name for your fixture and click the "OK" button.
14. The "Create fixture" pop-up screen disappears and a "Number of channels" pop-up screen appears, with a default of 8 channels.
15. Change the number of channels to 4 and click the "OK" button.
16. The pop-up screen disappears and the 4-channel fixture you created is shown in the lower-right corner section of the "Add fixtures" screen.
17. Select the starting address in the "Addresss" field to match the starting address of your 4-channel gap from when you removed the channels from your Duo profile. Leave "Number of fixtures" field at 1. Click the "Patch" button.
18. The "Add fixtures" screen will disappear and you will now see the 4-channel fixture you created appear in the fixtures address section.
19. Repeat step 9 to bring up the "Add fixtures" screen again.
20. This time click on the "or import a fixture" button.
21. The "Select the fixture to import" screen appears.
22. Navigate to the "fixtures" folder inside of your light show. This is where the new 4-channel fixture you created is located.
23. Select your fixture and click the "Open" button, or double click-on it.
24. The "Select the fixture to import" screen disappears and you're back at the "Add fixtures" screen.
25. Repeat step 17 and 18.
26. There should now be no more gaps in your fixture address section, and the new 4-channel fixture you created should be in front/before the Duo profiles you edited.
27. Right-click on your new 4-channel fixture and select the "Edit fixture" option to bring up the "Edit fixture" screen.
28. Right-click on channel 1 and select "Edit channel".
29. Click on the "X" icon in the "Edit channel" screen and the word "pan" will be displayed in the field at the top of the screen.
30. Click on the top-right "x" button to close the window and save your selection.
31. Back at the "Edit fixture" screen, you should now see channel 1 listed as "pan". Click on it to select it and then click on the "add level" button in the "Levels" panel.
32. Right-click on the level that was added and select the "edit level" option to bring up the "Edit level" screen.
33. Click inside the text field at the top of the page and type in the word: "Pan".
34. Change "max" to 255 and close the screen to save.
35. Back at the "Edit fixture" screen, right-click on channel 2 and select "Edit channel".
36. Repeat step 29, but click on the "Xx" icon instead for "upan".
37. Repeat steps 31 - 34 but you'll use "Fine Pan" instead. Max level should still be set at 255.
38. Repeat steps 35 - 37, but this time for channel 3, "Y", "Tilt".
39. Repeate steps 35 - 37, but this time for channel 4, "Yy", "Fine Tilt".
40. Click the "Save" button when you're done editing all 4 channels (Pan/upan(Fine Pan)/Tilt/utilt(Fine Tilt).
41. Click on the top-right "x" button to close the screen
42. You should now be back at the main Fixtures screen.
43. ** VERY IMPORTANT ** Click the "Save dmx addressing" button in the Fixtures screen.
44. Click on the Steps tab to go to the Steps screen.
45. You can now create a group that includes the regular Duo lights plus the 4-channel fixture you created.

If you followed the instructions and you did everything right, you should now see the 4-channel fixture you created, in-front/before the other channels of the original Duo profile (which now has 16 channels, instead of 20).
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Re: Intimidator Spot Duo 150 issues

Post by Richard »

Thank you gonzrich for this detailed explanation. However, perhaps I've not done this correctly, as I have no shutter, gobo, strobe or color control over the added fixture. Could you clear me up on that?

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Re: Intimidator Spot Duo 150 issues

Post by stusblues »

OMG What A FAFF Around, ShowXpress is so clumsy in so many ways. Causing users to have to spend most of their time learning the shortfalls and applying workarounds with the software rather then getting their designs done, i have just bought 4 of these Duos for a controlled rig and to find out about YET ANOTHER shortfall with ShowXpress.

I am extremely disappointed to find that nothing seams to have been done by Chauvet to rectify shortfalls with their software. But are still quite happy to sell a sub standard product at a premium.

Another couple of Shortfalls that i have found is.

1. in the program windows, the cursor does not automatically move to the first or "only" setting field. just one of those nice little things that have been thought about in many other software packages, and even free ones, but Chauvet didn't think about them for their ""Professional" software.

2. ShowXpress has not been properly programmed with the configurations for their own lights in 3D view. the Colorband PixM appears as a standard moving head, does not correctly depict how it's supposed to look nor can you actually see what happening if you running a pixels project , and the Chauvet movers have not had their gobo's and even fixture sizes are not correctly pre-configured.
To be honest as a Major Chauvet User and *CUSTOMER* i am disappointed with this "Professional" software package that we have to keep accounting for it's shortfalls.

Stuart - Ex Technical Support Quality Assurance Manager for a Educational Software Firm.
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Re: Intimidator Spot Duo 150 issues

Post by mwilkins »

Wow..... what a bunch of damn babies.

You want to use a piece of "FREE" software and have to invest a small amount of money on the controller box but cry like a bunch of little bitches when something doesn't work right. Good lord. You all must be millennials that want everything handed to you without any work involved. Why don't you all go and download Lucid, or Magicq or any other product that is "Free". You will have to purchase their controllers and deal with their issues. If you don't feel like using a "Free" product, then go spend however many of thousands of dollars required to purchase a Road Hog or boards of the like.

It took a month for me to learn the software, figure out how to fix issues and make light shows that properly work. Part of the biggest issue I have found is that using the lower end lights create their own set of problems and most all of them require you to either build your own profile or modify the ones you find online or in the software. Take your time and figure it out. It will give you a better understanding of how the software and your fixtures work.

As for comments about support...... hope you don't need someone to help you take a leak. Damn. Go take a look at how many fixtures are out on the market. look at how many of them that Support has built profiles for. Look at how many fixtures Chauvet alone has. Are you paying for the support provided on this site.......... I will reference back to comments at the beginning of this post. You babies need to stop sucking on your mommy's nipple and grow up a bit. Then maybe you can play with the big boys.

Lighting Controller Support - Thank you guys for the help you have provided and solutions to issues that have been resolved.
Sorry for the rant. I have a very low tolerance for those lacking to try and apply a little thought process to issues before crying looking for step by step instructions and someone else to hold their hands.
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Re: Intimidator Spot Duo 150 issues

Post by samwise309 »

Glad this issue was fixed in update 8, explode pan/tilt is great.

Now I'm having a different issue with my pair of Duos.

In generator, I have dimmer sweeps going across the rig. I make a point-curve and change the fixture order so that the lights will either light up or dim out in a line from one end to the other. When you group the duos with other single moving heads, only one instance of a dimmer and shutter appear (only affecting one head). I need a way to still have the extra dimmer and shutter for the second head on the Duos to be a part of the group. The instructions posted above work for separating out the extra pan/tilt because they're the first four channels of the fixture, but the second dimmer/shutter are out on channels 14 and 16, respectively.

Same can apply for the second gobo, color wheel, etc. Those are spaced out in the address, how can I use those too in a generator curve with other heads?

Thanks in advance for any help!

EDIT from ten minutes later.. something I should add is, when explode multi pan/tilt is checked, and the dimmer channel is selected (I'm using 2 Duos and 2 single heads) I have six points moving along the curve and can change their order, as if it's counting each head as one. Still though, the dimmer is only affecting the first head on each Duo.
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