Intimidator 150 question

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Intimidator 150 question

Post by lizard7151971 »

*I will start off and say sorry to the moderators if this in the wrong location of the board, and if it is, please move it to the proper location.

I have two Intimidator 150s I have recently purchased, and I am setting up in the program. In the "Step" portion, I hit play, and they do just what I programed them to do. However, when I set a button up (In the "Live" section), then click it, they will turn on the light while getting in to the position in step 1. They do this for a few different scenes I have set up.

Let my TRY to explain. I have one scene I am setting up for "Sweet Child 'O Mine", and when the initial guitar solo is introduced to bass and drums, I want them to (Pointing at each other) go from inside to the outside (A 180 degree). It works great if I play it in the steps. But the button is different (In live mode). The lights will come on while they are going from their home position to the first step. Then they work great until I turn the button off, and it repeats it once I push the button again(in "Live" Mode), they do the same thing.

I understand they need time to move from the home position to the start. But is there a way they will not turn on? Or is this a fixture issue I need to manually set in them?
Pink LD
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Re: Intimidator 150 question

Post by Pink LD »

There are 2 solutions to this:
1. You can use the 150's in the biggest channel configuration, which I think is 13. Then you will have access to a fader of features. These features include reset commands for x & Y, Prisms, Colour Wheel, Gobo Wheel, etc. But this fader also has Blackout commands such as "BO when move X/Y", or "BO Colour Wheel when changing" etc.
Then you can institute how you would like to use the feature in Live, such as making it a 2 second, 1 loop button you call with the scene you want. Then the fixture will be BO going from Home to your look and then the BO Moves scene will release after 2 seconds and your scene will come up as called.

Since this is an "Override" scene I recommend you place it somewhere in it's own panel at the end of your list of pages. I use the convention of naming the page for overrides with 3 "Z's", such as "ZZZ 150 Feature Overrides". It has been my experience the the software considers Macros/Scenes from the first page to last and in each page from top to bottom and right to left as it is going through all the pages. Therefore my naming convention is to have overrides considered last.

2. Whether you use the fixtures in, from what I remember, 7 channel or 13 channel mode, you can create a scene to do the BO moves/gobos/colours/ etc. Again I would treat the scene(s) created as overrides and place them in Live accordingly. How you use them such as however long it takes your movers to get to where you want the x- amount of seconds required as a 1 loop button.


If you don't use Macros and you use custom scenes for your looks you can just build this feature into you first steps of the scenes of your looks.
Pink LD
Posts: 688
Joined: 04 January 2010, 19:03

Re: Intimidator 150 question

Post by Pink LD »

Now to the second half of your question:

When you release your look the movers will have no data pertaining to them so they would snap off and race to their natural Home scene which is 0 in X and 0 in Y, effectively. So as a lighting programmer you have to consider what is going on with the fixtures when you are not using them.

I control these aspects by having all the features of my movers in separate preset or fader scenes/buttons and then use Macros to call them. For the show itself I am using a Live Page of solo Macros with a final single looped scene at the end but I will get to that later.

So in Sweet Child 'O Mine my first scene is a prep Macro that call the movers in all the features I want such as colour, gobo, position etc but without the dimmer on command. My next Macro is the look I want for the intro solo with bass, ax, and drummer working the hi-hat. My next scene is the primary look of the song that brings up the wash, US lighting and puts my movers on the US drape in a prismed gobo. I then have spots to hit my drummer as he sings plus a preshow focused mover with a position scene on my lead ax, I then use a keyboard trigger to flash the dimmer up on the lead ax for flourish riffs between refrains. I even have a look that sends the movers skyward in blue for the line "...of bluest skies" After the next ax flourish after that line I restore the look back to the US drape.

In the prep to the lead ax solo I BO everything except for accent lighting on the drums for floor tom fill into the solo. At this time I am commanding my movers to move in BO to their solo position/look. Then as the solo starts I include the command to the dimmers on fixtures to come up.

The next look is the subdued bridge of "Where do we go?" which builds into the outro lyrics and lead ax riffs until the final flourish for the end. And my final look is a looped scene that grabs every fixture I have active in the previous Macro and commands them each to do whatever manner of decay I wish, sometimes this takes multiple steps in the scene. And my final step of that looped scene is to send the movers to 127 X & Y each while the dimmer is decaying to 0 over 2 seconds.

Now when this looped scene is over the movers will then go to their natural home of 0,0 in X&Y. Personally I have a custom scene built to my specifications on a keyboard trigger that I use between songs to keep my movers at 127,127 X7&Y What you chose to do is up to your and your style of programming and show.

It is just as important to know and control what your fixtures are doing when you are not using them as it is when you are actually using them.
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