More Problems by adding new fixtures [fixed]

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MTF Showtechnic
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More Problems by adding new fixtures [fixed]

Post by MTF Showtechnic »

Think I've found another bug in the Edit fixture menu.
Not easy to describe - I've an existing Lightshow and wanted to add a fixture from another Lightshow.
Imported the txt file and patched it on Address 42. (4CH RGB Fixture Multiform HP1009)
Problem 1: I can't see it in the 2DView (Upper right window in Fixture menu) not until I click on the Edit scene menu. Now the picture of fixture is visable.

Go back to Edit fixture menu click on the HP1009 again - and now it alters his 4 DMX channels into 12 Dimmer Channels.
Problem 2: It copies my 12Ch Dimmer (Address 1) into itself ! ??

To be sure that it's not a problem of an old fixture import, I've created a complete new Lightshow and also a few fixtures complete new.
But it's still the same problem.

Problem 3: I've shifted one of 5 identical fixture (Showtec Performer 5CH Mode) from address 13 to a free address 55 and hit the "store address list" button.
If i click on the picture in the 2DView (Upper right window in Fixture menu) of that shifted fixture, the fixtures are wrong marked.
Click on Performer 1 marks Performer 2, Performer 2 marks 3 and so on...

Problem 4: I erased a fixture and create a new one with the same name as the deleted.
It isn't possible 'cause editor says: "The Fixture alreaday exists...."
Hmm am I mad? I've erased it - of that I'm sure.
Took a look into the Fixture File and here it is. It's only out of fixture list but the software recognizes it still in the file.
Really not fine for a "Normal user". He'll get confused.

And another question:
Every added fixture is also as .._backup.txt in the fixture file stored.
What is the meaning of that ??

Hope you'll understand my statements...
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Re: More Problems by adding new fixtures

Post by support »

This is a new bug exclusively in V7.1.29. It will be fixed asap.
In the meantime, you can workaround this by selecting another tab (Editor, Generator, ...), and then coming back to the tab Fixtures, each time you change something in Fixtures.

The "_backup.txt" is the file before last change. This files might not exist in future software versions.
The Lighting Controller
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Re: More Problems by adding new fixtures

Post by support »

All above problems should be fixed in this version: http://download.thelightingcontroller.c ...
Please try it and let us know.
The Lighting Controller
MTF Showtechnic
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Re: More Problems by adding new fixtures [fixed]

Post by MTF Showtechnic »

Here are the results of my tests:
Column "Fix" copies into various fixtures - done
Problem 1 - done
Problem 2 - done
Problem 3 - done
Problem 4 - sorry but still there
I've checked that a little bit more intensive cause I want to know if it's gonna happen with an old lightshow (in the old directory of old Sweetlight Software)
or if it's also in a lightshow that's stored in the new directory.
No difference.
If you create a fixture - erase it and try to create it with the same name: "The Fixture already exists...." appears
By testing that I located another fault. (Lightshow already exists and addresses 1-127 occupied)
I created a fixture called:"Test_Fixture" with 8 channels - did nothing else - only confirmed.
See the attached file -> no channels and no address to select
Although I patched it. No icon - no assigned address - nothing changed - everything seems to be right.
Try to create the same fixture with same name and as I expected - it's in the fixture file and the message "The Fixture already exists...." appears again.

And a little bug: When starting Sweetlight the wrong text is displayed - see attached file.

And last but not least a little request: Is it possible to close the window "Edit Fixture" automatically if Store Button is hit?
That will be like a confirmation that it's done.

greetings from germany
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Re: More Problems by adding new fixtures [fixed]

Post by support »

If you create a fixture - erase it and try to create it with the same name: "The Fixture already exists...." appears
This is not a bug. The reason is only the fixture in the dmx patch is erased, but the private personality file is not deleted from the lightshow in the disk.
We think it would be too dangerous to delete the private personality file.
When you see such message, you can use the "Import" function to get back that fixture.
I created a fixture called:"Test_Fixture" with 8 channels - did nothing else - only confirmed.
See the attached file -> no channels and no address to select
Please post your lightshow, and tell us how to reproduce. Then we could check that.
When starting Sweetlight the wrong text is displayed - see attached file.
Fixed for next complete software version.
Is it possible to close the window "Edit Fixture" automatically if Store Button is hit?
We regularly have to make complex personality files, and we need to have the possibility to press "Save" every 5 or 10mn, just in case of power failure for instance. So for us (and certainly for other users to), closing automatically this window would be not very friendly.

In your screenshot, we see "C:/Program Files/.../lightshows...". We do not know how you did this, but this is not normal. The lightshows are supposed to be stored in the "home directory". This might cause problems with the software.
The Lighting Controller
MTF Showtechnic
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Re: More Problems by adding new fixtures [fixed]

Post by MTF Showtechnic »

Your Remark:
Yes that's the right suggestion. Old Software 6.34 installed the right path in Home directory.
The new software 7.1.23 installed an additional path called "Lightshows".
I installed 7.1.23 on 3 PC's. Every installation is identical !
See the unfolded screenshot of the file's.
Maybe I've installed it wrong?
Every Lightshow that's in use is from "Home directory"

Closing the window "Edit Fixture" should only happen when "Store Button!" is hit.
For me it's logical that I'm ready with editing when I hit this Button.
But it doesn't matter. It has been only a recommendation.

Lightshow and explanation will be send later

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Re: More Problems by adding new fixtures [fixed]

Post by support »

There are two folders "lightshows" with totaly different purposes.

1. In "Program Files", they are "demo" lightshows, included in the main software. You have to import them to see them in the software.
2. In "home directory", they are your private lightshows.

This is so for both V6 and V7.
The Lighting Controller
MTF Showtechnic
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Re: More Problems by adding new fixtures [fixed]

Post by MTF Showtechnic »

Here's the description to add a new fixture:
Hit "or create a new fixture"
Enter the name: Take the proposed name "NewFixture"
Take the proposed Channels "8"
Hit "Patch"
Window closes - nothing seems to happen - no new Fixture - no picture/icon
Now - take a look into the fixture file of that lightshow!
NewFixture.txt exists!
MTF Showtechnic
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Re: More Problems by adding new fixtures [fixed]

Post by MTF Showtechnic »

1. In "Program Files", they are "demo" lightshows, included in the main software. You have to import them to see them in the software.

Yes I've noticed this.
And every personal Lightshow is in the "home directory"
To test the "Add Fixture" problem I've stored the HOP_Teil_2 Lightshow also in the folder "Program Files\sweetlight\Lightshows"
I want to see the behaviour if it's stored in another directory.
But it's still the same problem.
Hope you'll understand.
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Re: More Problems by adding new fixtures [fixed]

Post by support »

Thank you for the lightshow and the clear explaination.
The reason of the "Add fixture" problem is there is a fixture at dmx address 512.
This bug is fixed for next executable file.
The Lighting Controller
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