Linking timelines [fixed]

only for things which concern both Buttons and Timeline
Posts: 11
Joined: 31 July 2010, 21:54

Linking timelines [fixed]

Post by BAF5P »

Let me explain how I will be using Showexpress and see if you have suggestions. The band will play four predetermined songs so I will load those onto individual timelines (for editing purposes) since I will be using different light scenes for each. In between songs, they may talk to the crowd or go right into the next song. At the end of the sets a person comes onto stage to speak so I will need to switch over to house lights.

Is there a way to have one timeline open into another or do I have to run all four sets on one timeline? Is there a way to switch to different timelines quickly? The reason I am using seperate timelines is because I am renaming the rows to make editing easier. The only issue is the row name goes all the way to the end of the timeline. Any ideas or is there a better way to set up a lighting program.

Would it be better to set up five seperate pages, four for songs and one for house lights and then click different buttons throught the set? This seems backwards considering having a tool like timeline.

Thanks for any help,
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Linking timelines

Post by support »

We can trigger the TimeLine projects from buttons into Live.
The Lighting Controller
Posts: 11
Joined: 31 July 2010, 21:54

Re: Linking timelines

Post by BAF5P »

Thank you for your reply. Can someone elaborate on that a little or point me in the user manual where I would find these directions? I have read through the manual several times but I must be missing it.

Thanks again,
Posts: 411
Joined: 24 December 2009, 12:21

Re: Linking timelines

Post by tomrbland »

If you make your timeline then save it. You can add a time line to live the same as adding a scene.

If this still doesn't make sense I will write you a step by step guide. Just give me a shout. I just don't have time right now.
Posts: 11
Joined: 31 July 2010, 21:54

Re: Linking timelines

Post by BAF5P »

Thanks. I will attempt that tonight. If not success, I will take you up on your offer.

Posts: 411
Joined: 24 December 2009, 12:21

Re: Linking timelines

Post by tomrbland »

I assume you had success then? :)

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