Fixture profile requirement

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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Fixture profile requirement

Post by support »

In order that everybody benefit of it, please proceed like this for a new personality file requirement:
- open one new thread for each required personality file, with the following title "Brand - Model"
here for Editor (standard dmx fixtures): viewforum.php?f=25
here for Pixels ("multi-RGB" dmx fixtures): viewforum.php?f=59
- in this thread, specify the link where to download the manual of the fixture. And when there are more than one "dmx channel" configurations, please specify your prefered one
- we need also the ability to select and copy the text of the PDF file into the system clipboard
Then we would be able to do the personality file for you.

For Editor
The new personality file will be available here: http://download.thelightingcontroller.c ... for_Editor
- download the file (in your web browser, right click over the profile's name and select "Save as")
- then, in the tab "Fixtures" of our software, you can import the file in your lightshow (toolbar "Add fixture" > button "Import a fixture"). Alternatively, you can copy the file here: "home_directory/LightShow/YourLightShow/fixtures/" (it is possible to open the "home_directory/LightShow/" folder from the main menu of our software).

For Pixels
The new personality file will be available here: http://download.thelightingcontroller.c ... for_Pixels
- download the file (in your web browser, right click over the profile's name and select "Save as")
- then, in the tab "Pixels" of our software, you can import the file in your lightshow (right rlick in the grid and select "Add fixture", and press the button "Open fixture" in the window "Fixture properties").

The gobo textures are included into the profile only when the manufacturer supply to us the files.

You have to create one thread for each required personality file.

Reminder: it is possible to create new personality files in tab "Fixtures".
The Lighting Controller

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