Unable to add ip address to live mobile v2.3.1 [fixed]

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Unable to add ip address to live mobile v2.3.1 [fixed]

Post by timothy »


I just upgraded ShowXpress to 6.333 and was trying to upgrade Live Mobile from version 2.0 to 2.3.1 on an Insignia Tablet running Android version 4.0.3. I have read the forums about the Preferences button placement moving to the menu button, but unfortunately I cannot get it to work and I don't have a physical menu button as this is a tablet. For instance if I click the Options button which I believe is the button with 3 dots arranged vertically, I get an option called Settings, if I try to click Settings the text just goes away and I never have the option to enter the IP Address, Port and Password. The Settings option is displayed directly over the Connect To Live button.

I also have the Live Mobile app version 2.0 installed on the same tablet and I am able to connect via that as the Preferences button is above the Connect To Live button, so it's not a firewall setting or anything else, it's an issue specifically between the Live Mobile app and my tablet (Which again works with Live Mobile 2.0). Another interesting item was when I tried to install the Live Mobile app via the Google Play store it said the application was not compatible with my device, so I downloaded the file directly from the link in the forum and installed it that way.

How can I get the IP address into the Live Mobile app version 2.3.1 on my Insignia tablet running Android version 4.0.3?

Thank you!

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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Unable to add ip address to live mobile v2.3.1 (Android)

Post by support »

Menu "preference"
Noted. Can you please send us a screenshot (or a picture) of the screen, after pressing the option "Settings" ?

Not compatible application
This is certainly related to the "preference menu" problem.
We will check that.
The Lighting Controller
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Joined: 11 December 2012, 21:32

Re: Unable to add ip address to live mobile v2.3.1 (Android)

Post by timothy »


Thank you for the quick response. I do not have a picture of the screen after trying to click the Settings option, but the line and Settings just disappear to the bottom of the screen and nothing else happens. This is the screenshot before trying to click Settings.


I click the Options "button", the Settings option and line come up from the bottom and are displayed on the screen. When I tap Settings, everything (Meaning the line and Settings text, slide to the bottom and disappear).

Does this help?


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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Unable to add ip address to live mobile v2.3.1 (Android)

Post by support »

Thank you for this explaination. There is apparently a problem with the "settings" button on some Android devices.

We just published a new version of Live Mobile, which is using again a "home made" "settings" button (like previous version of Live Mobile).

Can you please tell us if "Google Play" says now that your device is compatible ?
If yes, please try this version. It should work well with your device.
The Lighting Controller
Posts: 16
Joined: 11 December 2012, 21:32

Re: Unable to add ip address to live mobile v2.3.1 (Android)

Post by timothy »


I was able to test this today, and it worked! I was able to download version 2.3.2 from the Google Play store, so no more incompatibility issues there and when I clicked the new Settings button, it displayed the Settings screen, I was able to enter the IP address, Port and Password and connect!

Thank you so much for the quick response and for working through this issue! I really appreciate it!

Posts: 10645
Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Unable to add ip address to live mobile v2.3.1 (Android)

Post by support »

Thank you for your feedback.
The Lighting Controller
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