Standalone playing vs computer playing

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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Standalone playing vs computer playing

Post by support »

The scenes playing engine of the interface is not so powerfull than with the PC. Please note this for standalone using:

- the standalone memory is limited. In most of the cases it will be enough. But in specific cases, like for instance complex pixel mapping effects for a lot of channels programmed in tab "Pixels", the memory might be too small to store all the scenes.

- the fades are 8 bits only. There is no "fine" channel (pan, tilt, dimmer, ...) management.

- there is no Generator/Pixels projects player engine. The PC software converts the project in a basic scene (with steps), before uploading the scene in the interface. The conversion process is quite ok for instance with pan/tilt movements, but it might be not enough efficient for fast chase effects. For efficient fast chase effects, the best choice is to built them step by step, in the tab "Steps" of the software.
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