Considering switching to ShowExpress from DMXis

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Mutha Goose
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Joined: 13 December 2012, 22:45

Considering switching to ShowExpress from DMXis

Post by Mutha Goose »

I am looking to upgrade my lighting control software from DMXis. I am running into its limitations more and more and have come to the conclusion after many years that it just isn't powerful enough.

I run lights for:
1) Busking for bands in small clubs and bars
2) For my band

I have read the manual, and have read many posts in this forum. It is easy to see that ShowExpress would be much better for #1, I am not sure about #2. I play guitar in my band, so I need to be able to control the light show with my feet, and because it is live and I am multi-tasking, I need controls that are easy and consistent.

Currently, I create a "Bank" for each song. The Banks are arranged to match the set order (which changes every show). In each bank, I put "scenes" that correspond to cues.

For example, I would have a Bank labeled "Song 1". In Song 1, I would have scenes called:

Using a midi foot controller, I hit a button for "next bank" to get to the next song we are going to play. Then as I come to the proper spot in the song, I step on a different button for "next scene". So once in Song 1, I will step on "next scene" to "Intro" when the song begins. Then right as we jump into the verse, I step on "next scene" and go to Verse1. Then when the chorus begins, I step on "next scene" again to go to Chorus1... And so on... Once that song ends, I step on "next bank" to go to the next song, and on it goes. (I also have buttons for "Previous Bank" and "Previous Scene".

So my question is: Is there a way to do this in ShowExpress? I see I can organize scenes on Pages in Live. Would I be able to create more than 40 pages (each page = 1 song, each show is about 40 songs) with upwards of 20 scenes apiece? Could I change to the next page with midi control? Is there a "next" function to allow me to step through the scenes on cue via midi?

Is there a different workflow that would allow me to be able to control a show with my feet, and would allow me to organize scenes by song so that I can re-arrange the order from show to show?

Have I asked enough questions?
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Considering switching to ShowExpress from DMXis

Post by support »

40 pages of 20 scenes each is possible.
"next page" and "next button" triggered via midi is not possible.
One midi message (note, control, ...) per button is possible. This option is regularely praticed by bands.
The Lighting Controller

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