Minor Error in Setup - Insert Level

declare your lighting equipment
Posts: 66
Joined: 28 June 2010, 23:08

Minor Error in Setup - Insert Level

Post by dkumpula »

Hi folks,

I just noticed a minor error I noticed in the editor. When a level is changed to start at something higher than zero (e.g. 0 changed to 1), the "insert level" button is not immediately enabled. If you save the device and go back into it, it does display the "insert level" properly. (Note: Changing the top value of a level from 255 to something lower does correctly enable the "add level" button.)

This is a very minor issue, to be sure.

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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Minor Error in Setup - Insert Level

Post by support »

Thank you for the info.
The Lighting Controller

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