Right now, we propose only the Windows beta version (sorry for Mac users). The MacOS version will follow in a few days. Please note that all bugs found in this version will be fixed for all operating systems.
Here is the changelog:
- All - "pure" colors (red, blue yellow, ...) are nows listed in the file "../icons/colors.ini
ControlBoard - becomes unique server for all applications (IP and ports) (except ScreenControl)
ControlBoard - shows name of current light show in title bar
Setup - auto refresh with groups changes from Editor
Setup - 'edit level name' & 'add level' crash after changing channel fixed
Setup - problem of saving current fixture when selecting another fixture
Setup - problem when selecting "parcan" in section 3DView
Setup - keyboard shortcuts (Windows only)
-- crtl + a : select all dmx addressing
-- crtl + shift + a : select all dmx addressing from same model
-- esc : exit and close child window without saving
-- tab : control entered min&max level values and change gadget focus (Windows only)
Editor - possibility to select (red mark) more than 256 channels
Editor - improved listbox of groups with popup menu
Editor - "grouped/non grouped action" function in tab "Group"
Editor - correct screen refresh with snap transtions, in "play" mode
Editor - in tab "All channels", in a multi channels selection (red mark), one slider moves the whole selection
Editor - "file -> delete" function
Editor - shows the selected group (with keyboard), in the list of groups
Editor - auto refresh the channels after a change in Setup
Editor - shows name of current scene in title bar
Generator - "project -> delete" and "curve -> delete" function
Generator - "curve -> move" and "curve -> size" are in one single menu
Generator - shows name of current project in title bar
2DView - auto refresh the background export from 3DView
2DView - size of fixtures icons is correctly saved
2DView - tooltips for fixtures
Live - shortcut keyboard key for flash buttons works
Live - chase/random page play bug fixed
Live - non flash buttons start at "mouse up" event, instead of "mouse down" event
Live - a keyboard shortcut can trigger a flash button
Live - a keyboard shortcut can trigger more than one button
TimeLine - is included as a tab into Live
3DView - auto refresh fixtures changes in Setup
3DView - MacOS - shows the selected object in windows "Object settings"
3DView - status bar which shows FPS (Frame Per Second) and # of faces (stage file size)
3DView - icons for popup menus
3DView - clone fixtures respond
interface Cable - channels 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... were driving dmx outputs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... - fixed
Please make a backup of your lightshows before trying this version.
Please make posts regarding 6.20beta1 exclusively in this section (6.20 beta1).