Cable crashes and Box is not found [fixed]

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Cable crashes and Box is not found [fixed]

Post by chaywoo »

I have downloaded the showexpress software, read and searched all of the forums, and cant find the answer, so I thought I would throw this problem out there to see if anyone knows how to over come this situation..

When the USB is plugged into the MacBook Pro, and I try to start the control board app, it crashes the program. Then it gives the error "There is one not compatible interface. Please remove it"
I know the english isnt correct, but that is what it says, so I unplug the usb, start the control board app first, and then plug in USB.. Control board app does not crash, but doesn't seem to communicate either...

Am I missing something?
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: USB to DMX crashes control board app

Post by support »

May be the English written is not perfect, but it is clear anyway.
The pluged interface is not compatible with the software you are using.
We do not see how to be more clear.
This forum concerns different brands which are not compatible together.
Please ask your retailer to know what software you have to use.

Another thing: the interfaces Cable and Box do not work on MacOS software.
The Lighting Controller

Re: USB to DMX crashes control board app

Post by chaywoo »

May be the English written is not perfect, but it is clear anyway.
The pluged interface is not compatible with the software you are using.
We do not see how to be more clear.
When I talked with technical support about a year or two ago, they said soon they would have a mac version of showexpress which up until now has always controlled the usb to dmx controller. So clearly my confusion easily qualifies as reasonable. Are you reasonable?
This forum concerns different brands which are not compatible together.
Please ask your retailer to know what software you have to use.
Say what? I am using Chauvet USB to DMX cable, Chauvet Showexpress software, and you want me to go some where else to get advise on what software to use? Is this a joke to punish me for commenting on the english thing? Clearly the tone in the reply expresses disapproval for my comment?
Another thing: the interfaces Cable and Box do not work on MacOS software.
If Chauvet interface cables and boxes do not work on MacOS software, then what is the purpose for making the software?
Am I at a competitors website forum?
Something strange is going on in here.
Are we on the same channel?

Posts: 10645
Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: USB to DMX crashes control board app

Post by support »

It took us several months to make the new software version 6 from scratch. It is suitable (and free) for all customers who already have an interface (and who are of course exclusively Windows users).
In the same time, we made a new software for MacOS. Because of some technical reasons, interfaces Cable and Box can not work correctly under MacOS. This Mac software is suitable (and free) for the interfaces D512, Remote and Ssa.
The Chauvet interfaces work exclusively with the Chauvet software. In other parts of the world, there are similar interfaces and similar software, with another name. We all share the same technical forum.
The Lighting Controller
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Joined: 29 December 2009, 17:53

Re: USB to DMX crashes control board app

Post by bluegrassbeat »

I wish this would have been a little more clear earlier. I just bought an Xpress 100 to use on my mac. Now it won't work.

So all of the showxpress controllers work on Windows, but only the Xpress 512 and the Xpress 512 plus work with Mac? Is that correct?
Posts: 21
Joined: 16 March 2010, 04:44

Re: USB to DMX crashes control board app

Post by DoubleDee »

In the FAQ section of the forum there is a section on Operating Systems.

There it states "*Only interfaces D512, Remote and Ssa are working under MacOS"

For Chauvet customers it means Xpress 512, Xpress 512 PLUS, and Xpress Plus.

I know it's a bit frustrating. I too was waiting on a Mac release but then opted to get a cheap PC, as the software is not for Power PC Macs. Yes, I still have an "OLD" Mac.

I guess your only option, if you still wish to use this software on your Intel Mac, is to sell or trade in your cable for one of the above. I think the Cable will only give you 100 channels but the boxes will give you so much more. Plus the boxes will work in stand alone mode without the aid of a computer.
Hope this helps you.

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