
create lighting scenes
Posts: 2
Joined: 06 October 2013, 09:52


Post by arenig »


I have 20 Adj flat par & i would like to contrôl All with the same dmx adress.
I CAN creat 10 clone with the same adress but not more.

Is there a way to creat more clones?

Thank you for your answer.
Pink LD
Posts: 688
Joined: 04 January 2010, 19:03

Re: Clone

Post by Pink LD »

Why can you give them all the same address?
Posts: 71
Joined: 15 May 2012, 17:26

Re: Clone

Post by eedetail »

It looks like he is using the clone function in setup.....

That clone function is only used for displaying the par cans in 3d.
In reality, you can hook up to 32 fixtures on one dmx chain, and so
having 20 on the same address shouldnt be a problem, it just wont
display more than 10 per address in the 3d visualizer.

I would recommend using a different dmx address's for your par cans,
that would enable you to make chases, different colours out of each
can, and would greatly improve the look of your show.

With all of them set to the same address, they will all respond the same way.
Hope that helps.
Pink LD
Posts: 688
Joined: 04 January 2010, 19:03

Re: Clone

Post by Pink LD »

I agree. I thought he was talking of a cloning fixtures in a console. Then I thought he meant haveing a master with 9 slaves. But the clone function in the 3D is probably right.
So let us know if we can be of further help.

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