Reasons For Needing ArtNet

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Joined: 24 December 2009, 23:01

Reasons For Needing ArtNet

Post by gilsontech »

Support, I know this has been asked a few times, but please consider these reasons.

I/we would love and need to have an ArtNet option in the software. I have 3 new clients that in some way is requiring ArtNet.

Here's an example of a video using the Enttec Open DMX Ethernet:

- I have a Medialon control unit that does not allow DMX recording on my model, however it does offer ArtNet recording of DMX channels. This option would save me and others thousands of dollars and time.
- As in the iPad example above it give flexibility to our clients needs and growing trends.
- ArtNet could also give us more channels, faster and more efficiently.

I ask this this seriously be considered as an option. Maybe a new version of the software or upgrade module is required for this new option? I would pay for it!

I would be willing to Beta test or help with any further questions if so desired.
Thank you again for everything that has been accomplished thus far.
Working on the next BIG thing

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