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Joined: 23 August 2012, 12:12


Post by Mattblack »

Will Art-net ever been supported in this software or only the USB / DMX interface?

Thanks once again
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Art-net

Post by support »

We do not see presently any interest of using Artnet.
So far, Artnet is interesting only for big quantity channels (?)

Can you please tell us:
- what Artnet would bring to our software ?
- what you can not presenlty not do with our software, because Artnet is missing ?
The Lighting Controller
Posts: 21
Joined: 23 August 2012, 12:12

Re: Art-net

Post by Mattblack »

Well I don't know so much about it, i was just interested in utilising the existing network around my house rather than putting in lots of new cables.

Also my equipment doesn't remain in place so I have to keep putting up lights, cables etc and taking it all down again. It would be much easier if I could use WIFI.
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Joined: 22 June 2011, 19:29

Re: Art-net

Post by DHoude »

What I have read it just seems to be IP based communication to a DMX module. An Ethernet or network type interface, instead of, or in addition to USB from PC to the DMX control module would be INCREDIBLE!! Imagine being able to put your wireless router by the DMX control box, for example at the first light.

1. No proprietary wireless DMX modules that cost $200 each (with a min of 2 required to start).
2. No main "umbilical cord" taped to the floor (less tape too), going from your booth to light #1.
3. No Optical isolation or ground loops between computer and lights
4. I can stream video over Wifi so there is plenty on bandwidth which is Proven... Why would we want Artnet or anything other than standard IP based communiction that is available EVERYWHERE. It would be better for EVERY consumer!
5. In some case, my controler is on my lighting head to use IR (powered with a standard iPod wall to USB charger). It could always stay on the lighting head at that point. I would never need IR because it would be a snap to perfectly place 1 tree anywhere for small shows.

I would also do wireless lights in a heart beat if the end (light side) "adaptors" were wifi. Allowing me to use whatever software & hardware (my current DMX 512+ and SX) that I want to. For instance the D-fi 2.4 ghz from Chauvet, there should have been NO reason that those were designed to run on anything other than Wifi networks. I am sure someone will come to that conclusion and build it the right way. 802.11b is over 10 years old!! It is not going away and everthing is backwards compatible.

In artnet, from what I have seen, there is an IOS app (Luminar) for $129 that seems to do all the DMX commands on the iPad and send it to the command module using Artnet. It talks directly from the iPad to the controler box. No PC in the middle. So I would imagine that is what Artnet could provide. Love the idea.. But the above methods should be even better.

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