Chauvet LED splash 200b is always strobing [fixed]

graphic representation in 3 dimensions
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Chauvet LED splash 200b is always strobing [fixed]

Post by yogaf »

Hi all, I need help, I got a problem with my LEDPAR64-36 on the 3D viewer. I use 2 type of light on my light show 1 is LEDPAR64-36, and 1 is LEDSplash Jr. I bring it to 3D viewer. First is Look ok but when I simulate strobe it doesn't show on the 3D. S what I do I when to 3D setting and change "Beam resolution to HIGH", "Beam rendering to Realistic beams" and "frame per second to be 60".
After finish setting those up, the LEDsplash looks perfect - "strobing" BUT the LEDPAR64-36 is flickering even though I put strobe channel disable and other effect disable (the only one that turn on is Dimmer at 255 and RED at 255).
BTW it happen on both 6.01 and 5.2 - On the real live (DMX) is OK not flickering only happen on 3D view.

Please help - I want to know how to fix this.

Thank you
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Re: LEDPAR64-36 doesn't come out correctly on 3D viewer

Post by support »

3DView just gives a simulation of strobe effect, which is absolutely not the reality.
The Lighting Controller
Pink LD
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Re: LEDPAR64-36 doesn't come out correctly on 3D viewer

Post by Pink LD »

I find that it helps to keep a fixture or two around, fire them up and see in reality what it's doing.
Then I can see what actual strobe rate its strobing at and what "real" color is mixed versus the 3D display.
I will sometimes add a fixture to some part of my universe I am not using (or an unused universe), build what I want, prove it by watching the fixtures actual behavior and then copy/paste the result where I want it.
There was a time I brought in half of my conventional rig and movers into the basement, watched my electric meter go apoplectic, sweating from the heat all while I would write programming for a console.
But with this software and one fixture of each type of light in the rig, I can do it in the "office".
Or alternately I write the bulk of my programming with notes for looks I know have features I need to tweak by seeing the rig in full trim and schedule a "tech day" with the rig to go through and prove the programming. Or for local club gigs I arrange to come in an hour or two early, for my load in, so I can go through the programming.
Happy programming!
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Joined: 06 March 2010, 01:10

Re: LEDPAR64-36 doesn't come out correctly on 3D viewer

Post by yogaf »

Hmmmm thats wierd, I use the LEDsplash Jr and when I do open (no strobe) the light just showing find on 3D View -- and that 3D View flickering only showing for the PAR....

There no fix for this?
Pink LD
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Joined: 04 January 2010, 19:03

Re: LEDPAR64-36 doesn't come out correctly on 3D viewer

Post by Pink LD »

I don't quite understand what you mean. But I re-read your original question. And I may have misunderstood you and for that I am sorry.
Am I correct in understanding that this is a 3D viewer problem? By flickering you don't mean strobing but the presentation of the 3D imagery on the 3D viewer?
My first guess would be that you don't have enough processing and/or video card processing power for the 3D viewer. This used to happen to me on an older machine because my processor and video card couldn't handle a large number of lights, especially if they were strobing, so I would reduce the quality of the 3D Imager or reduce the number of lights in the presentation or I finally got a better computer built to just run the show.
Is this the problem you are having or do I still misunderstand you?
Ne Uplights
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Re: LEDPAR64-36 doesn't come out correctly on 3D viewer

Post by Ne Uplights »


I Think that i am having the same issue. I put in 24 - Chauvet LED splash 200b par cans. When i put the lights to a sold red color, they look fine in real life but in the 3d viewer it shows them strobing its a real pain to program lighting when all your lights are strobign in the 3d viewer but are solid in real life. There just not reacting correctly in the 3d veiwer. If i put in the led rain par 38s next to them in the 3d veiwer and they look fine and operate fine but my splash 200b are still flashing.

Any ideas how to fix this?

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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: LEDPAR64-36 doesn't come out correctly on 3D viewer

Post by support »

We understand the problem: in reality the beam is just on, while it is always strobing in 3DView.
It is because the profile of this fixtures is not good: it should contain the level "open" in the channel "shutter".

We inform the person who made this profile about this problem. He should come back to this thread soon.
The Lighting Controller
Pink LD
Posts: 688
Joined: 04 January 2010, 19:03

Re: Chauvet LED splash 200b is always strobing !

Post by Pink LD »

I am sorry I didn't understand the problem clearly to identify it as a Profile issue. Profiles of fixtures are fairly simple to modify and nearly all mine are "custom" modified and tuned to my specific use. So you can fix it yourself or wait til the Tech Rep can correct it and post it for you to use.
Support, thanks again!

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