how to scan a lighting set up f=to find addresses

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how to scan a lighting set up f=to find addresses

Post by Ralphy85 »


I have an interesting problem that I hope the brains trust can help me with.

I set up show express and installed about 20 fixtures about 5 years ago at a church and the system has sat there and worked really well in all that time.

I get a phone call from the pastor today saying their lighting computer has died and they do not have a back up of their current fixtures and DMX addresses.

Is there any way for me to plug my computer into their USB to DMX controller and scan the current system to get the dmx address and fixtures or do I have to go back to square one and literally climb up and look at all the fixtures and write down the model number and address and completely rebuild the lighting rig and program everything again.

I would love some advise if possible please.

Many Thanks
Rob Sydney Australia
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Re: how to scan a lighting set up f=to find addresses

Post by support »


The DMX interface just converts the USB received data (from the PC) to DMX data (to the DMX lights).
It does not store the lightshow programmation of our software.
Sorry for that.

The lightshow programmation is stored on the PC hard disk.
A "dead" computer does not mean the hard disk is inevitably dead.
It worth trying to read the hard disk from another working PC.
In case of you are able to read it from the other PC, please read this to find the lightshows folder: ... .php?t=168
The Lighting Controller
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Re: how to scan a lighting set up f=to find addresses

Post by Robin_D »

If you have a lighting desk that supports RDM you can take in and connect, that would help a lot although is far from foolproof.

Equally, if they have any any backup at all, or maybe one you took at installation, and start with that.

As support have said, pop the disk out of the dead machine and pop it in a USB caddy like ... d_source=1 (others are available from other sources) that you can attach to a new machine and copy the show file across. Just ensure you know what size and type of disk are in the old machine.
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