Where is Live Mobile?

Smartphone application and slider for presets in Live
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 15:59

Re: Where is Live Mobile?

Post by Niffo »

The IP address you have to enter in Live_Mobile configuration is the one of your computer. If your phone is connected in WIFI on the same network, it is generally an IP address like 192.168.x.x or in some cases 10.x.x.x
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Joined: 14 April 2010, 05:01

Re: Where is Live Mobile?

Post by Tulsadj »

Just installed Live_Mobile this morning, and was able to get connected, and see it changing the buttons on the pc screen. I didn't have a dmx box hooked up at the time, but at least it appears to be working, so Nice Job! I look forward to using this.

Now, I'll really be excited if "Editor_Mobile" ever appears for the iPad.... hint hint ;)
I should have my iPad by the end of the month if you need beta testers for this one.
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Joined: 15 February 2011, 22:29

Re: Where is Live Mobile?

Post by socalmagic »

I got it working. I looked up my IP address on the internet, which is evidently different than the one listed for my LAN (which is the one that worked). Is my phone connecting to my computer through the internet, or the wireless network?
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Joined: 24 December 2009, 15:14

Re: Where is Live Mobile?

Post by kahilzinger »

The "_" helped. Thank you.
Posts: 9
Joined: 25 December 2009, 13:37

Re: Where is Live Mobile?

Post by jamiebodie »

I can't find this app for the droid?
Posts: 725
Joined: 07 December 2009, 15:59

Re: Where is Live Mobile?

Post by Niffo »

Live_Mobile is on the Android Market. You have to search the exact name WITH the "_" (underscore).
Or you can type "the lighting controller".

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