ShowXpress not seeing one of two midi notes sent at same tim

live control with midi devices
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ShowXpress not seeing one of two midi notes sent at same tim

Post by notslaw »

I am trying to send two midi notes at the same time to ShowXpress. One to move the sequential list. One to activate a button that will control some movers with a generated scene that I don't want to restart with the next item in my sequential list. If I separate the two midi notes, Show Xpress will see them and process both of them. If they are at the exact same time, then it misses one note (always the same note for whatever reason). I have setup a midi monitor to verify that it sees both notes and it does. Is there a solution to this problem?

I have searched and cannot find anything that seems to relate to this issue, although I have a hard time believing I am the first person to see this issue.
Luc Henrion
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Re: ShowXpress not seeing one of two midi notes sent at same

Post by Luc Henrion »

MIDI is slow ! Because it is old... 1982 !!! Just allow "some" time between the two notes, that's it.
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Re: ShowXpress not seeing one of two midi notes sent at same

Post by livetechproductions »

Well, I do sent multiple different notes (sometimes more than 10) on the same channel to (in my case) QuickDMX to push several scene buttons at the exact same time and that works like a charm.
Did you try attaching both notes to buttons instead of one to the sequential list? If that works like expected (pushed at the same time) it could be something in the processing of the MIDI notes in QuickDMX itself.

I presume you send two different notes right?
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Re: ShowXpress not seeing one of two midi notes sent at same

Post by support »

You can also check the received messages in the window "Midi looger" in our software.
The Lighting Controller
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