Power light on Dongle

usb to dmx - 1024 dmx channels
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Joined: 07 March 2020, 15:24

Power light on Dongle

Post by Lightray »

Hi Guys,
Come up with a very weird scenario the blue power light on my new Dongle has stopped working, haven't had it very long at all. The DMX signal works fine and sends to the lights but there is no power led at all, it used to work but no longer, any one know why or had experience of this. Have asked where I purchased it from they don't seemed to know they said not come across it before.

Quote :-I have never had anyone experience this issue with the dongle to be honest, they are normally very reliable. It seems like a strange issue. UN-Quote.
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Power light on Dongle

Post by support »

Sorry for this.
If possible, for checking, you can try to put a new LED in parallel to the existing one.
If not possible, please return the interface to the retailer for maintenance service.
The Lighting Controller
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