[Request] - Map video files in Pixels (with fade in and out)

create scenes for multi-RGB channels fixtures
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[Request] - Map video files in Pixels (with fade in and out)

Post by SeekLighting »

Hi Support,

I would like to have the ability to add video files to Pixels mode to map across my fixtures. Similar to the way we can currently use .gif files, I think it would be great to be able to use video files as well. In addition to that, I think it would be great if when triggering a pixels scene with a video file in Live Buttons mode, the "Fade in" and "Fade Out" functions would fade the video in and out, either to or from black, or to and from whatever else the fixtures were displaying beforehand.

I know that in order to support video files of a decent resolution, you would need a much larger pixel display than is currently supported (ie. more channels!). I have previously requested the ability for the software to support more than 6 Universes. I would like to reiterate this request. If every interface unlocks 1 universe over DMX and 1 universe over ArtNET, it is only fair that the software support up to 12 universes. I don't see why this wouldn't be an easy and frankly necessary addition to compete with other software like Martin M-PC or GrandMA which offer 16,32, or 128 universes, depending on connected hardware. Having more universes would open up the ability for users to create far more detailed effects, and make Pixels mode much more powerful.
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Re: [Request] - Map video files in Pixels (with fade in and

Post by support »

Here are all your requests of today:
1) All Gobos display correctly in 3D View for all fixtures (and an updated gobo list for that matter)
2) Prism effects display correctly in 3D View, including 3 Facet, 8 Facet, 5 facet linear, 16 facet, etc. This includes the ability to customise the fixture to show how wide the prism shoots the beam, as well as support for a fixture that has multiple prism types
3) Multiple Gobo Wheels display at the same time, and you can use the focus channel to accurately focus between them, rather than the current system which just displays two gobos on top of eachother
4) Multiple colour wheels in a moving head a) work properly in Steps mode and b) display and colour mix correctly in 3D View
5) Frost channel on a moving head works correctly and changes the beam type from a spot to a wash
6) Colour Macro channel on a moving head works correctly in 3D View. Currently setting the colour macro channel to a particular value does nothing. It would be great if the beam colour would change accordingly in 3D View.
7) Pixels displays correctly in 3D View. This means added support for fixtures that shoot multiple beams.
8) Lasers display correctly in 3D View
9) Support for mirror balls in 3D View that accurately work as mirror balls
10) Effect lighting fixtures that display and work correctly in 3D View.
10) Fixture profiles and accurately represented fixture models for conventional lighting fixtures (ie. Profiles, Fresnels, Ray Cans, Par56, Par64, Par36, Pinspots, etc.)

I would like to have the ability to add video files to Pixels mode to map across my fixtures. Similar to the way we can currently use .gif files, I think it would be great to be able to use video files as well. In addition to that, I think it would be great if when triggering a pixels scene with a video file in Live Buttons mode, the "Fade in" and "Fade Out" functions would fade the video in and out, either to or from black, or to and from whatever else the fixtures were displaying beforehand.

I know that in order to support video files of a decent resolution, you would need a much larger pixel display than is currently supported (ie. more channels!). I have previously requested the ability for the software to support more than 6 Universes. I would like to reiterate this request. If every interface unlocks 1 universe over DMX and 1 universe over ArtNET, it is only fair that the software support up to 12 universes. I don't see why this wouldn't be an easy and frankly necessary addition to compete with other software like Martin M-PC or GrandMA which offer 16,32, or 128 universes, depending on connected hardware. Having more universes would open up the ability for users to create far more detailed effects, and make Pixels mode much more powerful.

It would be great in Pixels view to be able to create lines that follow the diagonals, rather than just horizontal or vertical. This would make it much easier to pixel map across unusual shapes (ie. circles, triangles, etc.)

Sequential List
Currently you only have the ability to play one Sequential List at a time. It would be great to be able to play multiple Sequential Lists at once .

Have a new tab in Live Mode. On this tab, you've got a layout much like what you see in that image above. Each fader represents one slot where you can add a Sequential List file. The Fader usually controls the intensity channels of all fixtures in the sequential list file, but it would be nice to be able to customise this. The buttons above are for GO, PAUSE and GO BACK. The button below the fader is to FLASH all the intensity channels of all the fixtures in the Sequential List file on and off (but again it would be nice to be able to customise this).

If you added this function, users of other more conventional lighting desks (Hog, GrandMA, Chamsys, Clarity, Martin M Series, etc.) would be MUCH more inclined to use your software, and would have a much more familiar interface to work with. It also allows you to play multiple Sequential Lists at once which is a MASSIVE plus.

The ability to customise the number of list faders, and the ability to be able to MIDI map the fader and buttons to a physical controller is a must obviously.

I do not believe this playback system is proprietary as it exists in almost every professional lighting console and software and is almost exactly the same.

I believe other users have requested this before, but I believe it would be an excellent idea to have the ability to add a Timeline to Sequential List, either as part of a macro or stand alone.
We do our best to improve the software, but honestly, we will not be able to do all listed above.
Sorry for that.
The Lighting Controller
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Joined: 03 April 2017, 02:28

Re: [Request] - Map video files in Pixels (with fade in and

Post by SeekLighting »

Hi Support,

I'm very sorry, I wasn't trying to be rude. I just had a sudden thought that I wanted to express. I understand I made a lot of requests today, but they are just ideas for improving the software. I'm just trying to offer some constructive feedback. I hope you understand. Thanks for all your work on the software so far


Tim H
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: [Request] - Map video files in Pixels (with fade in and

Post by support »

No problem.
Your comments are welcome.
We just would like to be honnest, and do not promise that we will do your requests.

Anyway, we keep all in mind, and each time we have the possibility to improve something, we will do it.

FYI, we worked a lot on next 3DView V9, but it's mainly about the engine. The power of video cards is now well exploited. It was necessary in order to be able to add in the future new features by keeping a good fluidity of display. There will not be what you ask for in the first V9 release, but there is no longer technical barrier for them, in the future.
But it takes time. We go step by step.
The Lighting Controller
Posts: 364
Joined: 03 April 2017, 02:28

Re: [Request] - Map video files in Pixels (with fade in and

Post by SeekLighting »

Thanks for understanding. And what you said is totally fine. I completely understand there are limitations to what you can do, especially in regards to time. I will add that I never expected this would all be something you could accomplish in Version 9, rather more long term things, a "wishlist" of features if you will. I'm passionate about this software and seeing it succeed, so I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Great news to hear about 3D view in Version 9. Totally understand it's a step by step thing and looking forward to seeing what it's like!
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