Corrupt Show/Timeline?

create synch shows with video, audio and lights
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Joined: 23 January 2018, 13:36

Corrupt Show/Timeline?

Post by AJtrib »

NEWBIE!! be nice
With SX on win10 , I seem to have solved a few issues with crashes and not responsive messages , these are largely due to win10 updates as far as I can tell, but can you explain how and where to look for any corrupt files, I suspect something has caused a corruption but dont know where to locate and see to check.
Im not very computer literate but can follow instruction.

I can now open SX and it doesnt crash immediately, but for example I have a show set up on time line buttons are assigned a complete song, ie, the mp3/dmx data, the next button or step is just a lighting portion to chat to the audience etc, I have chunks of show that work but then it will crash. I have buttons that work but if I for example insert the same "Bluelighting" button that works fine in its original position between two other timelines , that might then cause a crash?

Thanks for any help advice in advance
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Corrupt Show/Timeline?

Post by support »

As we already said, in order to know if the problem comes from the Windows media player with the media files, please try the same lightshow without any media file, and let us know the result.

To try without media files, we suggest you to:
- open the folder which contains all lightshows
- make a copy of the lightshow folder
- open this copy in the software
- remove all buttons & timeline blocks which trigger media files
The Lighting Controller
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