Pallettes and Fixture Based Programming

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Pink LD
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Pallettes and Fixture Based Programming

Post by Pink LD »

I am glad that all things like Timeline and Generator and such can now be subfoldered. Also I see you did away with Generator making scenes from project files and instead are having the generated scene called directly from the project file.

Since my approach to building a showwas to make the software setup in a pallette based approach I am not sure how to use the new feature "Pallete". I can get the Editor to turn red and tell me I am in the Pallette Mode, but that is about it.

However I am at first most interested in Fixture Based programming versus the old method of channel based programming. How does this feature work?
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Re: Pallettes and Fixture Based Programming

Post by support »

In Steps in palette mode, set some values for instance for pan&tilt.
Click on "save" in the toolbar.
Click on "new scene" in the toolbar to exit from the palette mode.
Click in the "level" area (between the icon of the channel and the faderl) of the pan/tilt channel.
You will see a dropdown menu where you can select "Palette 1".
The Lighting Controller
Pink LD
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Re: Pallettes and Fixture Based Programming

Post by Pink LD »

I was so close. I will try it again a little later.

And fixture based programming?
Pink LD
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Re: Pallettes and Fixture Based Programming

Post by Pink LD »

Ok. Now I've got an X/Y pallette. How do I access it, put it into Live? Can I make make multiple focus points as steps and then add a button in Live that is a preset button?
A little more guidance please.
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Re: Pallettes and Fixture Based Programming

Post by Niffo »

Palettes are like "variables" you can use in Steps or Generator programming.
Pink LD
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Re: Pallettes and Fixture Based Programming

Post by Pink LD »

That is all well and good, but if I can't make the feature work, it is useless. Anybody else able to make this feature work and can give a reasonably simple explanation on how it works?

I understand the theory and mechanics of it all, but in practice I can't seem to make it all work.
Pink LD
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Re: Pallettes and Fixture Based Programming

Post by Pink LD »

Ok, I think I understand it now. Here is what I did:

I made a 3 step scene and programmed in X/Y for 6 fixtures:
-1. Home 127/127
-2. Sky 128/255
-3. Centre 128/150

Then I right clicked each one, saved it as a Pallette and named it the same as I named my steps. Then I went to the X and Y of each step and made them the sppropriate pallette. I saved the look as Pallette Presets.scex and then imput the button in Live. I them made it a Preset button.

I tested the 3 different steps and was satisfied with the results.

Then I went into Editor and brought up Pallettes. I then adjusted each look a bit, hitting save after each of the 3 steps. I exited Pallettes and went back to Live. I wrnt through each step but nothing had changed.

After some fiddling around I right clicked my Preset button in Live and chose to edit. And when Editor opened the Pallette values so the changes I had made in the Pallette Editor(?), I went ahead and pressed Save (Though later tries this step seemed unnecessary) and returned to Live and went through the 3 steps of my Preset Button and each step reflected the updates I made in the Pallette Editor.

I am not sure if there is a better or more correct way to do this, but it is a least functional enough for it to be a usable feature to me.

What do I think it should do? When I update Pallette Positions in the Pallette Editor it should just update the Pallettes I have called in buttons in Live, and not have to update/edit the button to see pallette position updates.

Having said all that? I can see using this feature to build a basic pallette of general mover features and adapt movement/Colour/Gobo/etc of house movers to pallette data pretty quickly. It is not cloning, but it can be used in a similar fashion.
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Re: Pallettes and Fixture Based Programming

Post by jcaniford »

so I've gotten pallets to work, I'm just trying to understand how you would use them in a live event setting? So lets says an X/Y pallet is set to spotlight the catwalk on the stage, the palette would be to quickly recall those variables to edit? Im not sure I'm following.
Pink LD
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Re: Pallettes and Fixture Based Programming

Post by Pink LD »

For me? All my focus updates from show to show will be in one spot. Update each one pre-show and go.
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Re: Pallettes and Fixture Based Programming

Post by rockinmo816 »

So happy to see pallets coming to showxpress. I almost made the switch to a new software but ended up with a second universe of showxpress instead.

Pallettes are going do us wonders. You can set, let's say 15 locations that you build your movements off of. Get your lights setup and adjust your palettes to the room size and dimension and your light show works as it should. Same thing for focus like someone else brought up.

We've got a big show this weekend and then I'm off to start testing v8. Cheers support!!
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