Is there a way to "Clear All" lights in a scene?

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Is there a way to "Clear All" lights in a scene?

Post by DHOYT123 »

Yes, I'm new to the program, but I basically know how to programs scenes. But it seems that if I want to "clear the stage" and write a new scene, the only way I've found is top make a group with all the fixtures, select it and then run through the channels and bring down everything that's up. It seems to me there should be some way of just releasing all of the channels. What am I missing?
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Re: Is there a way to "Clear All" lights in a scene?

Post by support »

"New scene" ?
(first button at the left of the toolbar)
The Lighting Controller
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Joined: 29 September 2014, 20:38

Re: Is there a way to "Clear All" lights in a scene?

Post by DHOYT123 »

Thanks for the reply. However, If I'm building a scene with multiple steps and I've already built several steps and now want to "clear the board" so I can write a new step from scratch I have to manually zero all the faders. I suppose I could create a new scene, save it and then insert it into the scene I'm building, but that would be more work. I was just wondering if there was a zero all command, but there sounds like there isn't. No problem.

While I have your ear, there was some discussion threads about a master dimmer. I have to say, that would be a real good feature. When you have a full show built and then set it up in a smaller venue with shorter throws, you don;t want to have to re-write everything at a lower level. A lot of the other software have master faders. Is there any chance you guys would be adding that?
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Re: Is there a way to "Clear All" lights in a scene?

Post by support »

You can select all/some channels with "shift"/"ctrl" + mouse click.
Then you can move all faders together.
The Lighting Controller
dj spiff
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Re: Is there a way to "Clear All" lights in a scene?

Post by dj spiff »

right click on any fader
select "select all channels"
right click on any fader
select "disable selected channels"
or if you want zero value, just grab one channel and put to zero. you can also right click and use "show levels" very helpful.
dj spiff
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Joined: 16 January 2015, 01:45

Re: Master Dimmer

Post by dj spiff »

I am a huge fan of this feature. This acts as a whole layer above all scenes. I use one to create a grand master ganging all dimmers across the array. I push this hard. 22 spots, 6 washes, 12 channels of rgbw, tons of RGB's across 2 universes. It works. I also have sub masters for my cans/washes and spots. The nifty thing about these masters is that the math is easy. You are causing the percentage that you select on the master to be applied to whatever information is being expressed on the selected channels at the time. If you patch it to midi or other control be sure to map it to a hard fader. virtual knobs are bad news, found out the hard way.

I am working with some new LED fixtures that are incredibly bright. Beams in sunlight bright. I set up a master on their dimmer channel so i have a nice way to tune them in to the room and other fixtures. It's a great "set it and forget it" control.
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