Fixture Setup Sequence [fixed]

graphic representation in 3 dimensions
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Fixture Setup Sequence [fixed]

Post by JohnRichards »

I started creating a small demo show for a client in V7.19 with parcans, 4Bar flex's and headbanger 10's and have have configured :-
12 x Parcans to 6 channel dimmer pack (Dmx 1-6) (Software creates Fixture1 to Fixture6)
2 x Chauvet 4 Bar Flex in 15Ch mode (Dmx 7-21 and Dmx 22-36) (Software creates Fixture7 and Fixture8)
8 x LedParCans in 4Ch mode for above purely for 3D view (Dmx 101-32) (Software creates Fixture9 to Fixture16)
2 x Stagg Hb10 in 12Ch mode (Dmx 37-48 and Dmx 49-60) (Software creates Fixture17 and Fixture18)
With D512 connected all fixtures work correctly in realtime mode, but when viewed in 3D window, the Hb10's lightbeams are seen on the first 2 LedParCans. It appears as if the 3DViewer has linked the incorrect Fixture to it.
With using notepad, I can edit fixtures.ini file and change Fixture17&18 to Fixture9&10, and increment Fixture9-16 to Fixture11-18.
This seems to solve the 3DView, but could be a drawn out solution when fixtures are changed and moved around.
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Joined: 01 September 2014, 17:19

Re: Fixture Setup Sequence

Post by thairo »

Hello, it's look like this (FR) : viewtopic.php?f=68&t=3253and it's fixed, but not distributed.
I have not tested with the box, only with 3d view
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Fixture Setup Sequence

Post by support »

Yes, the problem is fixed, but it takes some extra time to compile a new executable file, because we are fixing other problems in the same time.
We come back to you asap.
The Lighting Controller
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Re: Fixture Setup Sequence

Post by daryledwards »

I hate to be just needy but I am a newly. I do not know what I need to control the lights with this software. How do I get the XLR from the fixture connected to the computer. We have some overhead light controls. Is that what I have to use? I think those controllers are only dimmers.
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Joined: 01 September 2014, 17:19

Re: Fixture Setup Sequence

Post by thairo »

daryledwards wrote:I hate to be just needy but I am a newly. I do not know what I need to control the lights with this software. How do I get the XLR from the fixture connected to the computer. We have some overhead light controls. Is that what I have to use? I think those controllers are only dimmers.
Please, open a new thread for your problem in the future. I was notified by mail, for a reply off topic ^^
There are tutorials on youtube to create the DMX fixture and more, see here if you didn't find answer, create a new post in this forum :)
Have you a DMX interface ? Which one?
Posts: 10729
Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Fixture Setup Sequence [fixed]

Post by support »

The Lighting Controller
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