Using chaseplay with page of macro buttons.

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Joined: 07 April 2014, 18:41

Using chaseplay with page of macro buttons.

Post by DJMysticist »

I may be shooting in the dark here, but I'm just curious if there is a way to create a page of macro buttons and then run chase play on them.
At first glance I could see why this could raise some red flags, but I didn't even think about this until I started creating scenes in a different way that I thought could create a lot of convenience if trying to generate new shows easily.
With all my heads I went through and created scenes using the generator and only activating the movement channels. Then I also made only color scences, gobo scenes, etc etc. The main reason I did it this was was so that I could go back and have a single scene that applied to all scenes that was strictly the Focus, that I could change from venue to venue. But afterwards I could see how different scene times could mess this up.
So I guess my question is, or possibly a suggestion for a future version, is there a way to run the chaseplay on a page of macros, but then say have its transition points be based purely off just one specific element within the macro?
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Using chaseplay with page of macro buttons.

Post by support »

Please read this: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=3068
The Lighting Controller

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