Adjusting colors in a chaser // More Master faders

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Adjusting colors in a chaser // More Master faders

Post by Lighter007 »

I would like to get some help by creating the following:
I start a normal chaser for my LEDs in red and blue. Now I would like to adjust this chaser by moving my MIDI fader (for color red) downwards. The chaser should continue in blue. Is this possible with some tricks? :D [Please read the things at the bottom before you answer!]

I saw these 3 priority modes in MIDI Patch Window and think the following what they are doing:
MIDI input: The MIDI fader does all the controlling and SweetLight can´t change anything. (?)
Software: The software does all the controlling; MIDI can´t change things directly. (?)
HTP: The input with the highest level will be used.

[btw am I right?]
I know "The overriding-rule", but this is more a problem for this, than it helps. :x :P
I KNOW that I CAN use some master faders but there are just 4 of them :(
Would it be possible to add some "invisible" Faders for such things, which are just working like the actual one?
Would be happy about every answer
Greetings from Germany! :)
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Re: Adjusting colors in a chaser // More Master faders

Post by support »

Software: the software does the controlling when the channels are active. Non active channels can be controlled via midi.

Sorry but we do not plan in a near future to extend the number of master faders.
The Lighting Controller

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