Fired V7 Up with Some Fixtures in the Lab

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Pink LD
Posts: 688
Joined: 04 January 2010, 19:03

Fired V7 Up with Some Fixtures in the Lab

Post by Pink LD »

I ran the latest Alpha version to 3 fixtures via a single Box/Single Universe. Everything worked well in Editor and Live.
I also remoted in via my tablet and edited scenes in Editor, and adjusted and updated Macros in Live. Everything did as I expected.
I then logged out of remote viewing and went to the App and everything I tried worked perfectly.
So what didn't work? Editor 2D. If I clicked on a fixture it would not show up in the Faders Panel. If I click and drag a box around the fixture, then it will appear in the Faders Panel.
Also Ctrl+Click does remove or add fixtures but it does not put them into or remove them from faders panel.
Foe example:
I select fixtures 1-6 by clicking and dragging a selection box around them. (Remember I can't Ctrl+Click the fixtures I want and have them appear on the Faders Panel)
Then I wish to eliminate fixture 2 & 4. So I Ctrl+Click them. They are deselected in 2D but are not removed from the Faders Panel.
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Fired V7 Up with Some Fixtures in the Lab

Post by support »

Thank you very much for your help.

We are not able to reproduce these problems of fixtures selection in 2DView.
Can you please confirm you got them with version 7.0.59 Alpha 1 ? (we changed a lot of code about this)
If yes, can you please post your lightshow ? May be could reproduce the problem with it.
The Lighting Controller
Pink LD
Posts: 688
Joined: 04 January 2010, 19:03

Re: Fired V7 Up with Some Fixtures in the Lab

Post by Pink LD »

I am using Version 7.0.59 Alpha 1.
I am going to remove the software, download and replace first. And if I still have a problem I will make a sample show showing the problem, and/or make a sample video.
Pink LD
Posts: 688
Joined: 04 January 2010, 19:03

Re: Fired V7 Up with Some Fixtures in the Lab

Post by Pink LD »

2nd Update:
I reloaded software and current Bug Fix. I do have 7.0.59 Alpha 1. After reinstall I am still having the same problem as mentioned above. So I went to the Demo show with the software and it works just fine. So it must be something with my show.
So link me the topic and any other info I need to send you my show.
Posts: 10645
Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Fired V7 Up with Some Fixtures in the Lab

Post by support »

As soon as we have your lightshow, we will try to reproduce the problem.
If we have problem to reproduce, we will let you know.
The Lighting Controller
Pink LD
Posts: 688
Joined: 04 January 2010, 19:03

Re: Fired V7 Up with Some Fixtures in the Lab

Post by Pink LD »

Sent. If you can't reproduce it, I will make a video of the problem I am experiencing.
Posts: 10645
Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Fired V7 Up with Some Fixtures in the Lab

Post by support »

We can reproduce the problem.
We will work on it asap.

PS : amazing lightshow !
The Lighting Controller
Pink LD
Posts: 688
Joined: 04 January 2010, 19:03

Re: Fired V7 Up with Some Fixtures in the Lab

Post by Pink LD »

That is the show I work 50 to 80 times a year. It is pretty tweaked with Macros of Presets and a Pallette based approach.
Most importantly is the organisation of the Live screens I use for setting up a show, running a standard show, busking a song, and programming songs.
Also Editor scenes are organised with multiple folders so I can deal with fixtures as groups. If I readdress say an US 250 Mover? I know which scenes are affected by just the file folder.
I also do this in my other show because I have so many different styles of production provided rigs, and I have mapped and programmed for most of them. Once I do my advance for a show, I then pull folders out of my programming of lighting fixtures/features I wont be using.
In other words lets say I have a Macro that calls for a red wash. It will call for a red wash on multiple pages. One page is for a conventional 120k festival wash, another page is for my LED wash, another page is for a theatre FOH wash. So if I am in a theatre? I just remove the scene folders for Conventional Wash and LED wash. The Macro calls all 3 but Conv and LED pages buttons have no files to open so they do nothing, they are dead ends.
When the show is over I restore the folders, update any changes, and then prepare for next gig.
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