Rounding Errors and V7 Feature Request

create lighting scenes
Posts: 15
Joined: 02 April 2014, 23:00

Rounding Errors and V7 Feature Request

Post by Sunrise »

In editor if I create a step with a timing that is not a multiple of 0.05s (i.e. 0.14s) the editor appears to round up the step and cause the total time displayed for the scene to be incorrect. This is especially problematic when programming these steps for use in Live, where the timing is off relative to a song. Can anyone explain to me how these rounding errors occur so that I can anticipate how far off the clock will be? Right now, I'm stuck using ad-hoc guess and check, which is compounded if I use multiple steps in a row with timings that are not multiples of 0.05.

I know that it's possible to speed up the DMX refresh rate/frame rate if you're willing to use less than 512 channels, is that a feature that can be included in V7 so that each step could have a time resolution of less than 0.05s?

Also, it would be nice to have waveforms displayed for songs loaded in Live-Timeline and it would be even nicer if I could start Timeline in the middle of a song and have scenes display correctly; currently I'm stuck playing back Timeline from the start every time, which burns a lot of time when I choreographing lights to a song.

Posts: 10635
Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Rounding Errors and V7 Feature Request

Post by support »

Sorry but the min time resolution for a step does not change in V7.
The Lighting Controller
Posts: 238
Joined: 19 February 2013, 14:50

Re: Rounding Errors and V7 Feature Request

Post by Lighter007 »

Also, it would be nice to have waveforms displayed for songs loaded in Live-Timeline and it would be even nicer if I could start Timeline in the middle of a song and have scenes display correctly; currently I'm stuck playing back Timeline from the start every time, which burns a lot of time when I choreographing lights to a song.

I also think it would be VERY useful:
1. Waveform of Audio OR/AND
2. Fixing the "Red-Marker Bug". Unfortunaly it´s almost useless: There is always a little delay when you play the music from the red marker (not the same as when you play from beginning).

Best Regards
Greetings from Germany! :)
Posts: 15
Joined: 02 April 2014, 23:00

Re: Rounding Errors and V7 Feature Request

Post by Sunrise »

Thanks for clarifying that step time will not be reduced.

Will the rounding error be fixed for time steps that are not multiples of 0.5s? If not, can you explain how those rounding errors occur so that I can anticipate them and correct for them?

Posts: 10635
Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Rounding Errors and V7 Feature Request

Post by support »

In the meantime, please enter only multiples of 0.5s.
The Lighting Controller

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