sets of MIDI cues for each page of buttons?

the first tab of Live, with pages and buttons
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sets of MIDI cues for each page of buttons?

Post by drphoto »

I wasn't sure how describe what I want to accomplish. I built a set of static scenes for a song and saved them as buttons in a page. (plan to create a page for each song in out set list) I bought a Korg nanoKontrol MIDI controller that has eight sliders along with various buttons. I wanted to assign mechanical sliders to scenes so I could physically cross fade them, like an old fashioned analog console. I had no problem getting the MIDI device to link to the buttons and control them. (yeah!) But when I went to the next song, and tried to assign the physical sliders to new scenes it would control the ones previously linked.

So the question is this? Is there anyway to get page of buttons to 'remember', for lack of a better term, it's own set off MIDI commands? In other words, in Song 1 (or page one) the first scene/button is a purple wash, controlled by slider/fader one on the device, now in Song/page 2 the first scene/button is a red wash……..and I want it to also be controlled by slider/fader one. Right now even though I switch to a new set of scenes, the MIDI commands are still the previous ones.

Maybe what I want is impossible.
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Re: sets of MIDI cues for each page of buttons?

Post by support »

It is not possible to assign midi sliders to crossfade between scenes.
We suggest you to try the "fade in" / "fade out" button option.
The Lighting Controller
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Re: sets of MIDI cues for each page of buttons?

Post by drphoto »

I'm pretty sure you can do this. I've got a test scene where 4 LED PARS on button one assigned to slider one on the Korg and another 4 PARS on button two assigned to slider two. The buttons are set to flash mode with 'fader button' enabled. I can crossfade the two sliders. Well technically in the 3D view, they appear quick cut. But the virtual fader on the on screen fader moves. A guy from Chauvet tech support named Sam Bowden told me that I'm not seeing the fade effect in 3D because of the limitations of the 3D software, not the show software.

I don't want to use the 'fade in/fade out' buttons because I'm locked into a fixed fade time. Being able to manually fade a fixed scene with with a physical device is a 'must have' feature for me.

So give it a try. And then LMK about creating multiple sets of MIDI assignments please.

thanks for the quick reply BTW.
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Re: sets of MIDI cues for each page of buttons?

Post by support »

So far, there is no 3D limitation regarding crossfade.
May be the personality file is wrong (?)

You should be to visualize the fade in 3DView.
The Lighting Controller
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Re: sets of MIDI cues for each page of buttons?

Post by drphoto »

ok if I use the fade in/fade out, I can see the fade effect in 3D, and crossfade with my Korg faders. However this is still not ideal, as the fade time is not variable on the fly. So what is the "fader button" option supposed to do? I selected that, and the Korg causes the virtual slider to move and I see the numbers change, but nothing happens. If I could get this to work I'd be a happy camper.

thanks again
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Re: sets of MIDI cues for each page of buttons?

Post by support »

The "fader button" allows to fade between first and last step of the scene.
The Lighting Controller
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Re: sets of MIDI cues for each page of buttons?

Post by drphoto »

Ok here's how you can fade a scene with an external midi controller. Create your scene, but add an initial step that is black. Set the hold times very short, say 1/4 second and set the transition on both steps to smooth. Now create a button for the scene and enable 'fader button'. assign you midi control and voila! there you go! AND if you enable 'flash' you can actually have activate multiple scenes via midi which means you can now CROSSFADE scenes manually!!! :D

Now if I can just figure our how to save multiple MIDI sets……….
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Re: sets of MIDI cues for each page of buttons?

Post by drphoto »

BTW, if you set up midi controlled buttons as I outlined above, you can manually play them over a show controlled by a timeline. This gives an amazing amount of flexibility.
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Re: sets of MIDI cues for each page of buttons?

Post by support »

Thank you for the tip.
The Lighting Controller
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Joined: 29 March 2014, 04:49

Re: sets of MIDI cues for each page of buttons?

Post by drphoto »

That's not a tip….that's a new feature.

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