request - GRB color order for LED strip

create scenes for multi-RGB channels fixtures
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request - GRB color order for LED strip

Post by jeffreydean1999 »

I have a LED Strip I have mapped in the Pixels mapping section; however, the strip has the Red and Green reversed for RGB, using GRB instead. There is a drop down menu (CBO_Type) for fixture type in the pixel fixture menu that has: RGB, RGBW, RGBA, RGBWA,White and RGBWAU. Is there any way to add an entry for GRB or edit the fixture definition?
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Re: request - GRB color order for LED strip

Post by support »

Sorry but Pixels is presently not able to manage GRB fixtures.
This is noted.
Please note that you can program scenes for it in Editor.
The Lighting Controller
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Re: request - GRB color order for LED strip

Post by jeffreydean1999 »

Any updates or sense of time when editing or importing a fixture definition for pixels might come around? Also, is there a general roadmap or near-time release schedule for Showxpress and updates to the Pixel feature such as new effects or other related news?
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Re: request - GRB color order for LED strip

Post by support »

The Lighting Controller
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Re: request - GRB color order for LED strip

Post by jeffreydean1999 »

I loaded this test script you made for GRB (thank you for trying) however now the Blue and Red are backwards. Additionally, after applying this change it seems to have corrupted all the pixel fixture definitions. I tried to roll this back but have not been successful. I'm also unclear whether this change attempts to merge the pixel fixture definitions in the pixel definition with pixels handmade fixtures in the normal non-pixel section. I had fixtures in the pixel definition side disappear and when I tried to add the fixtures back it would not. It was if that section of dmx addresses were already spoken for and yet I can't find any way to recall them.
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Re: request - GRB color order for LED strip

Post by jeffreydean1999 »

On the pixel fixture corruption side. I appear (not positive about this) to have former blocks of dmx addresses/universes that have been used that can't be used in the pixel mapping side. Is there somewhere where I can get info on dmx addressing used like the dmx matrix for the normal (non-pixel fixtures) in ShowXpress? Or is there a way to delete all Pixel fixtures (not non-pixel) and start clean slate in the pixel mapper?
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Re: request - GRB color order for LED strip

Post by jeffreydean1999 »

What did I mean by pixel fixture corruption? Just a couple added notes that might be useful: (1) In the Pixel mapping grid I have a fixture that when I right-click and get properties says that it is in universe 2, with a starting dmx address of 1 as an RGB Type, with 1 Horizontal pixel and 68 vertical pixels but when I hover over it, the hover tool says that it is: U6:511-003 and (2) the fixture does not appear to respond to any dmx info coming over on universe 2 on anything in the dmx address ranges from 1 to 204 (3 x 68). Is there anyway, that I could have incorrectly set up the pixel mapper that could result in the application getting more than one dmx address assignments source?
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: request - GRB color order for LED strip

Post by support »

You can check the correct DMX assignement in the window "DMX bargraph" from the main menu.
The Lighting Controller
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