Program gets jammed

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Joined: 27 February 2017, 21:55

Program gets jammed

Post by LEDsImprove »

I have Sweetlight for quite some time now and it Always worked perfectly until I connected the remote to another computer (I don't know if this could be the prblem, but I'll just mention it just in case).

The program is fully updated and works fine untill I press the 'play' button. If I press it, the program jammes and the connection with the remote drops completely until I restart Sweetlight and then we'll start all over again.

Is there a possibility to fix this or could you advice us in how to completely delete Sweetlight of our computer (really completely so nothing gets left behind) so we can reïnstall it again?
I reïnstalled it four times now; three times there seemed to be some software left behind because all programms were still available when geïnstalled.
After deleting those we deleted and reïnstalled it agin, but unfortunately without result.

Thanks in advance for helping out.
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Program gets jammed

Post by support »

To uninstall our software under Windows, run "C:\Program Files\YourSoftware\unins000.exe".
The Lighting Controller
Posts: 2
Joined: 27 February 2017, 21:55

Re: Program gets jammed

Post by LEDsImprove »

Tried this several times, but unfortunately it still remembers the fixtures wich is why I think the 'bug' that crashes the program after I press 'play' also keeps beïng safed somewere.
It (the Sweetlight controller, and the software) only jammes if I press the 'play' button, creating or saving a program is no problem at all.

I tried it on other computers and there was no problem at all so it must be the program somewere on the (windows 10) computer. I really need this computer (laptop) for it's touchscreen.

Is there sny other way to completely delete all files connected to Sweetlight so I can re-install a complete empty version snd start all over?
Posts: 10645
Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Program gets jammed

Post by support »

To delete all data files from our software, go in the "home_directory" of your computer, and delete the folder "TheLightingController".

Caution: you will lost all your lightshows.
The Lighting Controller
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