Perfection Perfected!

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dj spiff
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Joined: 16 January 2015, 01:45

Perfection Perfected!

Post by dj spiff »

I have been using this software since version 4. In this time I have seen an incredible amount of changes to the product. I couldn't be happier with it's current state. I still prefer to write in version 6 as I enjoy the separate screens, but 7 is growing on me. I have been presenting in 7 and I find that is is far easier to show others how to use it. The included midi send is something i have been wishing for for some time.

I have done lighting at a few festivals. I catch a lot of grief from the Grand MA and Chamsys guys. A few years ago i was being berated for not using Martin Light Jockey of all things. What this software offers, others simply do not. It offers the opportunity to speak with my array at it's core. I am very proud of my new APC40 control scheme. Harvest festival in Arkansas occurred in October 2014. I used version 7 to present my show. It worked flawlessly for four days! I was also able to wow everyone by flipping through 100 steps of a scene with the turn of a knob.

I have tried to muddle through the hogs and grandma controllers. I find them profoundly annoying. With two nearly full universes, an APC40 fully loaded, and my own special take on scene design, I push this system hard. I find time and time again a stable, reliable, unique system that I am proud to operate. A professional land surveyor, I have even used my technical skills to import whole rooms into the 3D viewer using the collada .obj format. I just can't say enough about this powerful lighting solution. It is truly something special.
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Perfection Perfected!

Post by support »

Thank you very much for this comment !
It is very encouraging for us.

FYI, we are now working on a new major version V8 (we can not presently give more details).
The Lighting Controller
dj spiff
Posts: 35
Joined: 16 January 2015, 01:45

Re: Perfection Perfected!

Post by dj spiff »

Looking forward to running 8 through it's paces. 7 has been a pleasure to explore. The only thing I'm missing are the generate buttons in the pixels and generator panes. I suppose it generates when you save? 6 is still my baby, I'd trust it in any situation. And i get myself into some crazy ones.
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Perfection Perfected!

Post by support »

Yes, Generator/Pixels auto-generates the scene (in folder "../scenes/generator/" or "../scenes/pixels/"), when you save the project.
The Lighting Controller
dj spiff
Posts: 35
Joined: 16 January 2015, 01:45

Re: Perfection Perfected!

Post by dj spiff »

Cool. Thanks for the info.

I have been pondering a wish list.

1) Batch processing: I just finished generating a bunch of pixels scenes. While editing in color wheels for my spots, i realize that I have caused my white channels in the RGBW fixtures to have a zero value. It would be much better to have the white channel disabled, so I can splash white around the stage using other scenes. It would be nice to handle this in a batch. Likewise, if I'm tying in some house fixtures and add a universe for it, it would be cool to pull my movements from other fixtures to the new universe. something like From: u1 200-204,210-214,220-224... To: u3 1-4, 28-32, etc. Also it would be nice to be able to clear this universe 3 in one fell swoop by disabling all channels in a batch. For power users, this would reduce tie-ins to some math and fiddling around with color wheels and beams.

2) timeline cue stack line: On the timeline, create a protocol to add cue points. these cue points become a preset bar on the timeline button. each time the preset position is changed, timeline swiftly in the background runs through all scenes from beginning to new cue point position and stays there. Maybe even include bump left and right buttons on button itself. Also fade time option.

3) force steps in generator: Since midi knobs controlling presets has become available, i have been using a subtractive method to create 127 step scenes to control various fixture features. It has worked well for me, but I feel that the generator would do a much better job. I have noticed the generator being very good for isolating channels in groups of fixtures. say I want just the part of the shutter channel that is strobe slow to fast. I want 10 proportional steps to patch to a MIDI knob. It would be very cool to be able to force this situation using a straight line method in the generator. I have been using 127 step scenes for everything for as long as I have been able to. I know it works, this is your crown jewel.

4) Scaling pan and tilt. Very similar to your master faders, create a method to apply a percentage to pan and tilt values. set origin in x 0-255 y 0-255. percentage for all four directions from origin. Placed in same position in hierarchy as master faders, this would be a great global control.

Good luck with your new version. Thanks again for this incredible software.
Posts: 10645
Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Perfection Perfected!

Post by support »

We take note of all your remarks.

Just one remark about this
I just finished generating a bunch of pixels scenes. While editing in color wheels for my spots, i realize that I have caused my white channels in the RGBW fixtures to have a zero value. It would be much better to have the white channel disabled, so I can splash white around the stage using other scenes.
We made a quick test (with V7), and, in the scene generated from Pixels, the channels "white" are disable. We were able to change them via another scene made in Steps.
The Lighting Controller
dj spiff
Posts: 35
Joined: 16 January 2015, 01:45

Re: Perfection Perfected!

Post by dj spiff »

disable using merge? didn't think of that. thanks!
dj spiff
Posts: 35
Joined: 16 January 2015, 01:45

Re: Perfection Perfected!

Post by dj spiff »

7.1.32 running smooth. Love it. Going to leave it running for a day. Will unleash La Mujer Thursday night using version 7. It's hard for me to move to a new version of anything. I have to say that my personal experience moving from 6 to 7, and incorporating mac versions has been very pleasant. Thank you for this graceful transition. In with the new, I'm V7 now.

Laptop: Windows Vista 64 bit Professional Core2 duo, 4GB ram, ATI Radeon video.
Desktop: 27" Imac, OSX Mavericks, 16 GB ram.
Posts: 718
Joined: 07 December 2009, 15:59

Re: Perfection Perfected!

Post by Niffo »

Fade In / Fade Out in TimeLine done in last V8.1.10 : viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4342#p17901
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